Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapter meeting to be held Feb. 11 via Zoom
News | Published on February 3, 2025 at 12:01pm CST
‘Kensington & Alexandria Christmas Bird Count Report’
Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapter’s February meeting will hear the results of the Kensington and Alexandria Christmas Bird Counts at Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapter’s monthly meeting on Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. Ben Eckhoff, compiler of these two events, will share the data that was collected on Dec. 14 and Dec. 28, 2024. These surveys are not possible without willing volunteers and this year 30 people were involved in these two counts. Each year holds different results in number of species and total birds seen. Factors like open water, snow depth, weather conditions on count day and food sources in Canada all affect what is seen. Ben will share the highlights, what was new, some trends and answer any questions folks have. Following Ben’s talk, there will be discussion on other chapter matters.
To request a Zoom “Join Meeting” link, send an email to: You will be sent an email with all the necessary details to join this meeting. Please send your request by Feb. 10 to make sure you have the link to join in on Feb. 11.
There is no cost to attend this program. All are welcome.
Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapter is the local Chapter of National Audubon Society for Anyone interested in birds and nature. We have regular informal meetings and birding field trips.