From Feb. 5, 1915

On Wednesday at high noon, Anton Berg and Mrs. Sarah Skare were united in marriage at the residence of Rev. Koefod in Glenwood. The wedding party autoed over to Glenwood shortly before noon, and returned after the ceremony. The bridesmaids were the Misses Mabel Evenson, Ida Hagestuen and Florence Evenson. The groom’s attendants were Albert Thompson, Thorwald, Disrud and Carl Disrud. Mr. Berg has recently purchased the White Lily restaurant in partnership with Mr. Lund.

The Starbuck Creamery company held their annual meeting last Saturday at the town hall. The report of the secretary showed the splendid business done in the past year. The question of building a new creamery was brought up and a building committee consisting of Hans Gorder, Carl Lingen and C.J. Kirkwold was appointed to investigate the matter and report to the stockholders at a special meeting to be called later for that purpose.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hegg received a telegram Tuesday from Duluth, stating that Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gilbert (Ida Hegg) are the proud parents of a baby boy.

Following is the school report for District No. 90, Barsness town-ship, for the month ending January 29: Total enrollment, 33; average daily attendance, 20. The following pupils received certificates of perfect attendance: Peder Thompson, Irene Blomquist, Bennie Hagen, Mildred Smedstad Theodore Rasmussen, Alice Hagen and Melvin Berg.—Sigurd I. Ramstad, teacher.


From Feb. 6, 1925

A.H. Dreyer, the popular manager of the Starbuck Telephone Co. was given a signal honor at the recent convention of the state association of telephone companies, when he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of the State Association. It is very seldom that a member of a smaller exchange is selected to the Board of Directors, and it is a recognition of his fine work in building up a wonderful telephone system in a small community.

Items of interest about the local school, by Alice Olson: The two debating teams chosen to compete for the cash prize offered by the Standard Lumber Co. are now working diligently for their clash, which will take place the latter part of this month. The question for debate is: Resolved, that a home is more to be desired than a car.

Our janitor has just finished making a reading table for the fifth and sixth grade room.

The county nurse examined all the children in the third and fourth grade room on Monday. Eighteen children were underweight. She examined the first and second graders on Friday. Many defects were found, such as poor teeth, throat and eye troubles. In several cases the children were found to be a great deal underweight. These conditions should receive immediate attention.

Funeral services for Claude P. Lysen were held at the West Zion Church on Wednesday, Rev. K.R. Palmer officiating. Mr. Lysen is survived by his parents, thirteen brothers and sisters.


From Feb. 7, 1935

Work on a new $10,500 storm and sanitary sewer for Starbuck was started here on Friday as one of the work projects under the relief setup. A great deal of the old sewer pipe will be salvaged and used in the new project, which will help keep down the cost. About $9000 of the total amount will be spent for labor.

Supt. W.A. Peterson of the Starbuck School has compiled a paper on the cost of running the school the last year. It cost $16,457.71 to maintain the Starbuck Public School during the school year 1933-34. There were 313 pupils enrolled, which means that the cost was $52.58 per pupil. 62% of this total was paid by state aid, and 38% was paid for through local taxation.

Yes, we have no street lights, we’ve had no street lights since Friday. That’s the latest parody in Starbuck, because when night comes it really is dark, and you have to find your way the best you can. The village council and the Northern States Power Co. had not reached any agreement as to street lighting by February 1, so the council ordered the lights discontinued until a new agreement could be made. As soon as an agreement is reached the old flash-light will come in handy.

Dellova Hidem is one among the many recovering from chickenpox. Several children in town have been suffering from whopping cough also.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gorder on February. 3.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Pederson last Tuesday.

Two girls were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the L.W. Perkins home in Glenwood on Thursday afternoon. The dead are Martha Kjeldahl, Brooten, who was employed at the Perkins home, and Betty, the six-year-old daughter of the Perkins. The fire was caused by kerosene being put on hot coals in the kitchen range, which caused an explosion.

Hans R. Hauge, from near Sedan, a member of the board of directors of the White Bear Lake Insurance Co. for over 25 years, died at his home on February 2.


From Feb. 8, 1945

The following from Starbuck have been ordered for pre-induction physical examinations Feb. 15: Melvin G. Palmer, Norman Benjaminson, Clyde M. Winegarden, Harold J. Hagen, Gordon Anondson, Norman O. Aslakson, Walter K. Dahl, Orville W. Dahlseng, Arthur A. Branch, Marvin K. Braaten and Adolph F. Aslakson. The following from Starbuck have registered during the month of January: Marvid Skeslien, Kenneth Bredeken and Melvin E. Aaberg.

A. Peterson and Son Store will go out of existence when the new owner will take over the store sometime this month. George Noyes and his son, Howard, have bought the stock. As soon as a suitable time for inventory comes, the place will change hands.

Gas fumes leaking from the furnace awakened Mrs. Nels Stenson about 4 a.m. Tuesday morning. She woke her husband who got up, but fell down again. Their son, Norris, was also affected by the fumes. Medical aid was summoned and Mr. Stenson and son were taken to the hospital. Norris was dismissed Tuesday afternoon, but Mr. Stenson remains for a longer time. 

Relatives and friends helped Lauris Johnshoy celebrate his 8th birthday Friday.


From Feb. 10, 1955

About seven inches of snow fell Friday and was whipped into drifts by a 15-mile southwest wind. Visibility in town was virtually zero at times. Starbuck public schools were closed at 1:30 p.m. on Friday when the storm was at its peak. Daytime temperatures ranged around 20 degrees above zero until Saturday, when they dropped to eight degrees below zero.

Two Starbuck students at the University of Minnesota College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics were on the honor roll for their work during the fall quarter of 1954. They were Milton D. Jellum, a junior in Agriculture, and Marjory H. Erickson, a junior in Home Economics.

Private Vernon L. Jellum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Jellum, and Private Irwin E. Stangeland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole J. Stangeland of Starbuck, are nearing completion of their basic infantry training at Fort Leonard Wood with a unit of the Sixth Armored Division.

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Pederson attended the insurance convention in Minneapolis last week.


From Feb. 11, 1965

Edward S. Olson, 73, bank president and prominent resident of Starbuck, was selected as “Outstanding Senior Citizen of Pope County”. He was chosen from a group of 10 nominees whose names were submitted by a special committee and other interested citizens of the county.

A mild blizzard which blew in Tuesday night forced the closing of schools in Starbuck and surrounding towns yesterday. It was the first time this year that schools had been closed because of bad weather.

Glen Johnshoy, co-captain of the Starbuck High School wrestling team has an enviable record for the season. He has not been defeated in 11 matches in which, he has participated and tied in one match. In a Pheasant Conference meet Saturday at Browns Valley he won first place in his weight division.

P. Norman Ness, a veteran of 37 years with International Milling Co., was elected president of the company on Tuesday of last week. He is a native of Starbuck, and a son of Anton Ness.

Funeral services for Casper Hoverson were held at the Immanuel Church on Feb. 1, Rev. James Sumption officiating. He is survived by his wife, Emma, and four sisters: Mrs. Laura Barsness, Mrs. Alma Tonn, Mrs. Olga Sylvester and Mrs. Julia Berg.

Forty-five persons took the written examination here Friday afternoon for qualifying for the position as substitute clerk at the Starbuck Post Office.

Except for her poor eyesight, Mrs. Christine Scheflo, former resident of Starbuck, now living with her daughter in Inglewood, California, is enjoying very good health in spite of her 89 years, according to a letter to the Times from her daughter, Mrs. Jack Taylor.


From Feb. 6, 1975

Town and Country Gas Co. ownership changes hands when George Solmonson, Glenwood, announced this week that he, along with associates have acquired the assets of Town and Country Gas Co. from DeWayne Peterson, Elected president of the company was Robert Gorham, Mora, Minn. George Solmonson was named Secy.-Treasurer and will serve as general manager.

Local persons employed by the company and Stan Martinson, serviceman, and Chester Peterson handling the calls at the local office.

It was announced this week by the Jacques Seed. Co. that Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson, Lowry residents, were among the winners of a 3-day trip to New Orleans.

Verna Knutson was elected to the CMHPC Board. This will give Pope County two members on the board with Mr. Graves of Glenwood having another year to serve.

In an announcement released by Dr. Robert Hanson, vice president for academic affairs at Moorhead State College, the following students were named to the Dean’s List for the fall quarter: Gary Ascheman (Clontarf), Margaret Haabala (Farwell), James Moen (Lowry), and Dale Anderson and Steve Rundgren (Starbuck).

Bradley Richards has been named to the Dean’s List at the College of Science and Mathematics for the fall quarter at North Dakota State University at Fargo.

Bradley is a senior there and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Richards of rural Starbuck.

Jerry and Helen Hoy are happy to announce the birth of their son, Todd Tilman. He was born January 21 and Phoenix, Arizona 85018. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Hippe of Starbuck and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy of Sioux City, Iowa.


From Feb. 6, 1985

Miss Vicky Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Davis and Dean Solvie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Solvie were crowned the 1985 Homecoming Queen and King at Cyrus High School Monday evening. Other members of the royal court were Malin Sodergren, Dennis Anderson, Darcie Rohrer, Jerry Carlsen, Jill Anderson, Nick Gauger, Toni Burgess, Janet Thompson, Glen Showalter, Vicki Gibson, Steve Young and Alvaro Vives.

Funeral services for Ida B. Hagen, 98, were held from West Zion Lutheran Church Jan. 23. She is survived by one daughter, Doris (Mrs. Luverne Syverson) of Clontarf and five grandchildren.

Doug Toivonen of Starbuck High School was one of 28 outstanding Minnesota High School basketball players named to this week’s WCCO Radio “Prep Parade All-State Team of the Year.”

Funeral services for Dena Avok, 82, were held from the West Zion Lutheran Church Jan. 23. She is survived by two brothers, Norman of Hancock and Elmer of Clontarf; and three sisters, Mabel Gulsvig and Mrs. Clarice Sonsteng of Benson and Mrs. Palmer (Evelyn) Pederson of Starbuck.


From Feb. 8, 1995

MAHS Snow Week coronation is scheduled for 8 p.m. in the auditorium this Saturday. Sixteen boys and girls are among the candidates for the throne of King and Queen. Pictured in the Times are queen candidates. They are Laura Wilprecht, Jenny Smith, Cheryl Moorer, Marin Hustad Jamie Anderson and Tami Hoium Charity, Torguson and Heidi Mueller. The king candidates are  Mike Linde, Curt Ogdahl, Travis DeBoer and Dan Wold Jason Bosch and Rick Peterson Brad Nelson and David Jergenson.

The Minnewaska Area High School One-Act Play will advance to state competition this Thursday at the campus of St. Catherine in O’Shaughnessy Hall. The team placed first at Sections which were held Saturday, Feb. 4 in Morris. They were ranked 1,1 and 4 by the judges. Pictured above are the members of the cast and crew of the production of “The Final Trial of Richard III”. Sarah Stone, Luke Ofstedal, and Trisha Pederson, Travis Nelson, David Fischer, Carrie Nevitt, and Jack Burns. Third row: Jolene Hanson, Matt Shirkey and Andrew Bösl, Robert Fischer and Beth Peterson. The play is under the direction of Lee Paulson.

Erin Gaffaney and Nathan Watson recently participated in the school district’s spelling bee. Finishing first was Gaffaney and Watson placed second.


From Feb. 9, 2005 

After much anticipation, the Minnewaska Area Schools budget committee has come to a decision regarding recommendations for elementary building closings. If the school board goes with one of the options, either E.N. Nordgaard will house all kindergarten through fourth grade students, or ENN and Starbuck Elementary School will both remain open. The decision was made after an anonymous vote was cast. The proposal to keep both Villard Elementary Academy and SES open only received one vote, with the ENN only option getting seven and the ENN and SES option getting eight votes.

Minnewaska Regional Health Systems’ controller, Bruce Harvey, was appointed interim chief executive officer of MRHS at a special hospital board meeting held on Feb. 2. The board also discussed a financial report which estimated the hospital would run out of money in 11-months. The meeting was held to discuss the replacement of former CEO, Tom Theroult, who left last weekend for training for his new job. The board felt that it was necessary to find an interim.


From Feb. 11, 2015 

Starbuck Miss Minnewaska Royalty served ice cream to guests at the Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC) Annual Meeting on Saturday evening. Pictured royalty are Princess Celeste Rapp, Princess Morgan Majerus and Queen Stephanie Pederson.

At the SACC Annual Meeting the Starbuck Men’s VFW Auxiliary received a volunteer special recognition award for all they have done for the community. Men’s VFW Auxiliary President Tom Beuckens said the Men’s Auxiliary started in 2005 to help keep the VFW open. “We have mowed lawn, raked leaves and even created a spaghetti supper,” Beuckens said. He said the group places flags on veteran’s graves and has made the updates to the mess hall and bar at the VFW. Another project they took on was changing the ceiling tiles at the VFW to 2×4 foot tiles that contain veteran’s names and their service. Currently they are working to improve the kitchen. The Starbuck VFW Men’s Auxiliary has the largest membership in Minnesota with over 90 members.

Blaine Pederson announced at the SACC Annual Meeting that the Grand Marshalls for the 2015 Heritage Days Parade are the Starbuck Depot Society. Pederson said it started in the mid 1980’s when the late Dorie Pederson thought something should be done to fix up the old depot that was a real eyesore in town. Over the years the Depot Society has not only restored the depot but has a collection of vintage railroad equipment as well as created a shelter for the caboose that sits on the depot grounds. Some of the Depot Society members that attended the meeting were Arne Pederson, Harvey Pederson, Gary Swenson, Dianne Pederson, Larry Larson and Allan Nygaard.

Also at the SACC Annual Meeting, Don Samuelson won the first ever Community Service Award presented by the chamber. Chamber Vice President Dan Jahn presented Samuelson with the award saying most people consider Don a good friend. Kathy Stammer who works with Don at Samuelsons Drug said “Your services to the community of Starbuck has been exceptional. You make all of us at work feel like family and are always generous and willing to help.”