Prairie Fire District, Northern Lights Council held its annual Klondike Derby on Saturday, March 1, at Runestone County Park outside of Kensington. A Klondike derby is an event held by Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America) during the winter months and is based on the heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush. 

During the Klondike Derby, Scouts (ages 10-17) visit stations along the route and compete in various events. The unit’s performance at each station is scored for their level of knowledge or accomplishment and for teamwork. The event starts with sled inspections followed by using a compass to find their way to each station. The stations this year were Horse Bridge Camp (Blindfolded Stretcher Race), The Log House (Emergency Shelter Construction), Shallow Lake (Ice Rescue) and White Pass Summit (Fire Starting and Water Boiling). Adult volunteers are at each station and tell scene-setting stories as Scouts arrive. 

Troop 412, based at Calvary Lutheran Church in Alexandria, took 1st place and Troop 305, based at Living Faith Church in Fergus Falls took 2nd place. 

Want to know more about all the cool things we do in Scouting? We have opportunities for girls and boys grades K-11. Contact Brenda Thomson at 320-760-5605 or go to to find a unit near you.