Has a Ku Klux organization formed in Glenwood?

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday,March 12, 1925

Carl Ettesvold has accepted the chairmanship of the booth construction committee for the band stand carnival, April 17 and 18 at the pavilion. Don’t forget to register your willingness to help with him. 

The beautiful home of Tom Callaghan was the scene of a happy birthday party on Monday evening. Twenty-four of Tom’s gentlemen friends sat down with him at a 6:30 four course supper after which the evening was most delightfully spent in good fellowship with the congenial host and hostess. Cards were played, at which Q.A. Krieger scored the most points. At an appropriate interval John S. Serrin gave a tribute to Tom and on behalf of the friends that had gathered there presented Mr. Callaghan with a loving cup. Mr. Callaghan, in his happy way, expressed his appreciation of the token of friendship which he had received. As the midnight hour approached, the guests departed after wishing Tom fifty-nine more birthdays.

The Lowry Legion Post has received special recognition from the National Headquarters for being the first Legion Post in the state to go over the top. Here’s congratulations from Glenwood.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, March 12, 1925

The members of the golf club are going to meet soon to discuss the matter of putting in a water system on the grounds. The governors met recently and decided to call the members together on the evening of Wednesday, March 25. The meeting will be held in the city hall. The plan which the governors will propose to the members is that bonds be issued to take care of the funds needed for the improvement. It is thought that bonds should be issued for some five or six thousand dollars and to run for some ten years.

A large cross was seen last Saturday evening burning on top of Mt. Lookout north of Glenwood. This means we are told, that a Ku Klux organization has been formed in Glenwood. How many members the organization has or how long the organization has been in forming is not known except by those who belong.

Sam Kulikofski, proprietor of the Glenwood Trading House has bought the People’s Cash Store in Lowry. He took charge of the store last Monday. There will be a grand opening in the store beginning on Friday of next week. The opening will continue through Saturday and on Monday of the week following. Oscar Carlson who has been the bookkeeper for Torrens Bros. will be in charge of the store. Mr. Kulikofski will do well in Lowry.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, March 13, 1925

Professor Gibberson of Morris was here Wednesday and talked to the business men at noon about the boys’ and girls’ club work. He urged the business men to assist any boys unable to secure a calf, and they will be expected to go out occasionally during the summer and see that the animals are properly cared for. A large number of boys and girls are joining the garden club and a great deal of interest is being aroused in the matter. Mr. George Arneson, who has been interested in introducing the work, is very enthusiastic about the interest shown and believes the work will result in a great deal of good for the boys and girls.

Mr. A.L. Brevig, pioneer Blue Mounds farmer and businessman, will have an auction sale to dispose of his stock and farm implements on Wednesday, March 18. He will sell 54 head of high grade and pure-bred shorthorns, a number of horses and a large amount of farm implements. Mr. Brevig is well known throughout the country and it is expected that there will be a very large number present at the auction.

The Needlecraft club met at the home of Mrs. Peter Einarson last Saturday afternoon.