From Where I Sit

By Pat Spilseth, Columnist

After sunning on the dock and enjoying a boat ride, I happened to check my arms and legs to see if my skin was red from sun exposure. No red, but to my amazement, bat wings had appeared on my arms. Loose skin flapped and wiggled! Aghast, I noticed that everything on my body is wrinkled. When did all of this crinkling and drooping start? Until today’s discovery, I really hadn’t noticed. I was happy simply enjoying soaking up the summer sun and floating on the lake, oblivious to other forces overtaking my body.  

I’m aware that it’s no longer easy to climb up the moss soaked ladder to lie on the dock after a refreshing swim. After playing with the little kids, it’s a problem getting up off the floor. It takes longer to maneuver my body to an upright position and stiffly move to a soft chair. How will I be able to catch grandkids jumping from the dock into the water? What’s happened to my body?

Though I’m usually quick to get ready to go out for the evening or get ready for bed, the prep time is taking longer. My face and body take more creamy lotions; my teeth and gums need special, expensive toothpaste so my gums don’t recede, and I don’t lose teeth. And my toenails are too thick to clip!  

Like most of my friends, I’m bionic. Yes, I have replaced my hips and a knee. Modern medicine is amazing! Today’s surgeons can replace most anything. Thin hair can get implants; floppy tummies can have the fat removed; faces can get Botox and plastic surgery; and teeth can be replaced with implants and whiter coloring. Knees, hips and shoulders, even hands and feet can be treated, even replaced, taking away the arthritis and lack of cartilage. I feel like a walking drug store as I line up pills for blood pressure, cholesterol and sleep problems…. life has become more complicated and time-consuming.   

I was young once; some days I still feel like I’m 33, my favorite age. That happened when I drove my little silver Mazda Miata with the red racing stripe. But I’ve entered the senior years. Times have changed; my body has changed…

I think back to men and women I consider to be my mentors, folks who’ve influenced me through the years. Curiosity kept each of these folks young at 80 and 90. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Life was meant to be lived and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never for whatever reason turn his back on life.” My neighbor Ruth, who had so much energy and new ideas at 80 and 90, repeated often, “As long as I’m curious I’ll never grow old.” 

“One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” ~Iris  Murdock

And why not? Why save perfumes, glamorous expensive shoes and jewelry for special occasions? Each day can be special! You make that determination. Enjoy your treasures that make you feel good. Why not splurge on a $7.00 coffee and pastry? Buy that divine dress that makes you a knock-out or that sports car which you feel young in… if you have the extra cash. Driving down the highway, wind blowing in your hair is a fabulous feeling! Feeling fabulous is worth every penny. You may not be around to enjoy these luxuries tomorrow. Life is meant to be lived fully…

“The purpose of life is, after all, to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

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