Thanks for support of  America’s Child’

From Mary Walsh and Trevor Solem of MAS    

On behalf of the Minnewaska Chapter of America’s Child and the Minnewaska Teachers Association, we would like to thank everyone who donated to America’s Child at the Lakers’ football game last Friday night. Our hotdog stand raised over $1000 in less than two hours!!  WOW!  We are so grateful to have such supportive people in our communities who understand the needs of our students.  A huge thank you goes out to Starbuck Locker for donating the hotdogs and Tom’s Market for donating buns and condiments. 

Education professionals spend their lives with children, stimulating their minds, freeing their spirits, serving their needs–reaching out to children in a million ways, day to day, year by year.  

Often these professionals are the first to see special situations, when students may need a hot meal, a winter coat, or funds to participate in a class field trip.

America’s Child is a non-profit organization established by Minnewaska teachers over 20 years ago to help fulfill urgent needs of school children in an expedient, dignified manner. 

Again, thank you for your contribution to America’s Child.  Your generosity and support are deeply appreciated.   

–Mary Walsh is an America’s Child board member and MAS School Social Worker.

–Trevor Solem is a MTA President and MAHS Special Education teacher