There are 10 Volunteer Pope County Posse members. In the front from left are: Brent Gulsvig, Warren Salvog, Carter Iwan and Justin Gagnier. In the back row from left are: Justin Messelt, Mike Grammentz, Captain Dustin Dusing and Sergeant Boyd Kremin. Not picture are Brooklyn Brecht and Riley Moe.

The name “Posse” conjures up an image of Old West volunteers gathering on horseback to help the town sheriff.

Today, their role isn’t much different.  A group of individuals who make up the Pope County Posse answer when called upon by the Pope County Sheriff.  And they do it on a 100 percent volunteer basis.  They are not paid and receive no stipend for call time.

“A lot of people think we are funded by the Pope County Sheriff’s Office,” said Posse Captain Dustin Dusing.  “We’re not.”

Pope County Sheriff Tim Riley said recently that the group is operated as a 501c3 and is funded solely by donations.

“We mainly use the Posse  for help with community events like Waterama or Heritage Days, but the also respond when called to law enforcement incidents, help with traffic control at accidents and often provide security duties, while the Sheriff’s Office is waiting on search warrants.

Despite their volunteer status, Posse members take the time to be trained in safety tactics and all of them know what it takes to operate county law enforcement vehicles and the equipment in those vehicles.

Posse members are also responsible for their own uniforms and body armor and those purchases come from donations.

In the past, much of the Posse’s donations came from committees who organize community events like Waterama.  

“Those committees change over time  and some of the new committee members may not be aware that we rely on those donations to fund what we do on a volunteer basis,” Dusing explained.  

“If we don’t have the funds to provide radio or uniform needs, we can’t go to the sheriff’s office for financial help,” Dusing added.

The Posse members are equipped with everything the same as law enforcement officers, except for a side arm. And that equipment is funded through donations only.

Another service provided by the Pope County Posse is the cabin and property checks during the winter months.  The Posse members do those checks between November and April.

“We ask for $100 for the season per property or for about $25 per month.”  

That’s a service that can generate some funds for the Posse.  

Those who want to have their cabins or property checked during the winter months can request it online by going to the Pope County website, under departments click on the Sheriff’s Office and then click on Posse, located on the right side of the page. 

Anyone can donate to the Pope County Posse, online the same way,  Dusing said.  

Although the local Posse has 10 members, there is room for two more members.  “We are now looking for the next generation of Posse members,” Dusing explained.   

Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Posse can find application online by visiting the Pope County website, click on the Pope County Sheriff’s Office and then on Posse. The email for Dustin Dusing is listed on that page.