Bruce Harvey

Would represent District 5 (Includes a portion of the City of Glenwood, City of Long Beach, Reno, Leven and Westport Townships and the City of Villard.)

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

33 Years of experience in Finance and Human Resources in a variety of industries. Areas of service include Day Care Board, Villard EDA, Minnewaska Area School Board, Glacial Ridge Hospital Board and Church Treasurer

Why are you running for office?

I believe that I have been called to serve the people of Pope County.

What are your personal priorities, if elected?

To serve the people of Pope County and to oversee the operation and administration of the county.

How does your experience and/or background prepare you for the financial decision-making needed to be an effective county commissioner?

I have worked with revenue streams and expenses of 50 million dollars annually including budgets, accounting, banking, insurance, investments, human resources, benefits, building projects, IT, etc.

List two county issues that you consider most important and what you plan to do about them.

I don’t have an agenda or an axe to grind and at this time don’t see any glaring issues. I will learn more when elected.

Why should voters cast their vote for you?

I am a servant leader and a good listener. I have Christian conservative values, common sense and the experience needed to be the County Commissioner for District 5.

Paul Wildman

Would represent District 5 (Includes a portion of the City of Glenwood, City of Long Beach, Reno, Leven and Westport Townships and the City of Villard.)

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.  

I have been a resident of Pope Co. my entire life. I was raised on a family dairy farm. Graduated from GHS went on get degrees from Brainerd Tech and Willmar CC. Have worked at Brownies Tire, Glenwood Police Department, Starbuck Police Department  and the Pope County Highway Department.  Also spent over 20 years on the Villard Fire Department and quite a few years on the Villard First Responders. As a member of Villard Fire Department, I was the manager of the charitable gaming for seven years. I have also been a Leven Township Supervisor for the last seven years. I have been married to my wife, Leisa, for 38 years.

Why are you running for office?  What are your personal priorities, if elected? 

I would like to take the next step from managing a township to help the county going forward. My biggest priority will be fiscal responsibility for the people of Pope County. 

How does your experience and/or background prepare you for the financial decision-making  needed to be an effective county commissioner? 

As a township supervisor we have to determine tax income needed for the future costs of expenditures.

List two county issues that you consider most important and what you plan to do about them. 

1. Financial expenditures. Using research to make sure that the county will receive the most beneficial use of the taxpayers’ money. 2. Try to move Pope County into a travel destination. Doing this by promoting all the great assets that this county has to offer.

Why should voters cast their vote for you? 

I will refer to my lifelong residency of Pope County, my civic service and my 26 years of working for the county.