The Minnewaska Area Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, September 26, 2022 in the Minnewaska Area Schools Board Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Barsness. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred 

Members Absent: 

Motion by Holtberg, seconded by, A. Reichmann to approve the agenda as presented.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Visitor’s Comments: None

Special Recognitions & Honors: 

The Minnewaska Area School Board would like to recognize the Safe and Welcoming Committee. This committee has worked diligently to secure a School Resource Officer (SRO) for the High School Campus and organize and implement ALICE training. These resources are vital for the safety of school campuses.

Motion by Lagred, seconded by T. Reichmann, to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2022, Regular Board Meeting.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Superintendent Rankin presented the summary of bills, investment report, foodservice report and presented the Superintendent report.

Motion by A. Reichmann, seconded by, Barsness, to approve the Claims & Accounts totaling $2,760,857.91. Zavadil abstained.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Motion by Zavadil, seconded by T. Reichmann, to approve resolution 09262022 accepting the donations to the school district.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Motion by Holtberg, seconded by, Lagred, to approve the consent calendar as follows:

New Hires: Brianna Anderson, Cook, Lane 4 Step 11, 3 hours per day, Tue, Wed, & Thurs, effective 09/14/2022 • Kemma Bergland, Mental Health Professional, Lane/Grade 1, effective 09/01/2022 • Ella Dietzmann, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 08/25/2022 • Michelle Dougherty, Head Cook, Grade 5 Step 11, effective 08/23/2022 • Alyssa Greeley, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 08/25/2022 • Brooklyn Greeley, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 08/25/2022 • Grace Hanson, Special Education Paraprofessional, Grade 5 Step 3, effective 08/23/2022 • Ted Hill, Secondary teacher, MA Step 1, effective 08/23/2022 • Nancy Hoffmann, Preschool Teacher, MA+30 Step 2, effective 08/23/2022 • Samantha Hookom, Paraprofessional, Grade 5 Step 2, effective 08/29/2022 • Metaya Jergenson, Paraprofessional, Grade 5 Step 2, effective 09/26/2022 • Minette Johnson, Long-Term Substitute Teacher, BS Step 1, effective approx. 08/29/2022-09/30/2022 • Kylee Klassen, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 09/12/2022 • Chloe Lannes, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 08/25/2022 • Paige Lannes, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 08/25/2022 • Jared Lyle, Head Football Coach, BS+10 Step 10, effective 08/15/2022 • Kari Peterson, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 1, effective 08/25/2022 • Celeste Rapp, Childcare Assistant After-School Enrichment Program, Grade 4 Step 7, effective 08/25/2022 • Morgan Rooney, Cook, Lane 4 Step 11, effective 09/06/2022 • Ruth Schaeffer, Junior High Speech Coach, BS+10 Step 3, effective 11/15/2022 • Candance Swagel, Special Education Paraprofessional, Grade 5 Step 1, effective 08/23/2022 • Jodie Tharp, School Psychologist, 10hrs a week, $65 per hour, effective 08/29/2022 • Julie Thurmer, Long-Term School Nurse Sub, BS Step 1, effective 08/23/2022-12/02/2022 • Mike Troen, Secondary Teacher, MA Step 12, effective 08/22/2022. Change of Status: Eric Adams, MAHS Shift Lead to Building Lead at W.I.N., Grade 8 Step 12, effective 08/22/2022 • Brianna Anderson, a Custodian, moved to a part-time position after Summer Seasonal Position, Grade 6 Step 8, effective 08/22/2022 • Tracy Kay Anderson, Grade 5 Step 3, change from 6:30 am to 3:00 pm to 6:30 am to 2:45 pm, effective 09/08/2022 • Reginald Brooks, Custodian to MAHS Building Lead, grade 7 Step 10, effective 08/15/2022 • Kerry Cook, Preschool Assistant, reduction in hours from five days a week to three days a week, Grade  3 Step 8, effective 09/22/2022 • Susan Currens, Mental Health Coordinator, has additional days up to and not exceeding 20 days at $55.00 an hour, effective 08/22/2022 • Stephanie Douvier, Grade 5, Step 5, schedule change from 7:45 am to 4:00 pm to 7:45 am to 3:45 pm, effective 09/08/2022 • Nancy Hoffmann, change from ECFE Teacher to MTA Teacher contract .35 FTE, MA+30 Step 2, effective 08/29/2022 • Deb Medalen, Cook, schedule change from 7:00 am – 1:30 pm to 7:00 am – 2:00 pm, Lane 4 Step 12, effective 08/29/2022 • Jane Murphy, changed her work schedule from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm to 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, Lane 4 Step 12, effective 08/29/2022 • Nancy Rapp, Grade 6 Step 12, change from 180 days to 194 days, effective 08/01/2022 • Katie Schuler, a Custodian, moved to a part-time position after Summer Seasonal Position, Grade 6 Step 8, effective 08/22/2022 • Kathy Tauber, schedule change from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm to 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, Lane 4 Step 12, effective 09/19/2022. Resignations: Kemma Bergland, Practitioner, effective 09/01/2022 • Heidi Dahlseng, Cook, effective 08/09/2022 • Lori Schuler, Cook, effective 09/12/2022 • Elena Stevens, Emotional Behavioral Disorder Technician, effective 08/19/2022 • Melinda Thorson, Special Education Paraprofessional, effective 09/16/2022. Certified Staff Lane Changes: Heidi Greene, MA+10 Step 12 to MA+20 Step 12 • Megan Greene, BS+30 Step 11 to MA Step 11 • Miriah Johnsrud, BS+20 Step 5 to MA Step 5 • Jamie Katzenmeyer, BS+20 Step 12 to BS+30 Step 12 • Megan Larson, MA Step 12 to MA+10 Step 12 • Abbie Massmann, BS Step 6 to BS+15 Step 6 • Megan Modahl, MA Step 7 to MA+10 Step 7 • Dacia Reichmann, MA Step 12 to MA +10 Step 12 • Sidney Schiffler, BS Step 5 to BS +20 Step 5 • Summer Spence, BS+10 Step 6 to BS+20 Step 6 • Denise VerSteeg, MA+20 Step 12 to MA+30 Step 12 • David Vinje, MA+20 Step 9 to MA+30 Step 9. Terminations: Andrew Anderson, effective 08/09/2022.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Members of the Safe and Welcoming Committee gave a presentation to the school board.

Each school district is required to certify the proposed 2022, payable 2023, property tax levy to the county auditor and to the Department of Education by October 1, 2022. The proposed property tax levy is the school district’s proposed property tax levy for all purposes, including debt service. The law provides the school district may certify the proposed levy as: a. A specific dollar amount, or b. An amount equal to the maximum levy limitation certified by the Commissioner of Education to the county auditor according to Minn. Stat. 126C.48, Subd 1. 

Motion by Zavadil, seconded by Holtberg, to approve the 2022 Payable 2023 Levy Preliminary Certification at Maximum for submission to County Auditors and Minnesota Department of Education. 

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Motion by Barsness, seconded by, A. Reichmann, to approve the 2022-2024 Minnewaska Mental Health Professionals Labor agreement. 

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Currently, MAS houses the Head Start program led by West Central Communities Organization. Annually, it is  necessary to review and approve the agreement between the two organizations that establishes terms and conditions to work together during the next year. 

The attached contract has been reviewed and the administration recommends the school board authorize Board Chair Barsness to sign the contract for the 2022-2023 school year.

As a footnote, in return for housing the Head Start program in Starbuck, MAS has asked to receive a monthly rental amount of $400 per month.

Motion by Lagred, seconded by, T. Reichmann, to approve the 22-23 Collaborative Agreement with West Central Minnesota Communities Action Head Start.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

The MAS school board needs to schedule a special school board meeting to canvass for the results of the general election scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Pope County officials have requested that the school board set a special meeting for November 17 or November 18, 2022. Most counties appreciate school boards scheduling the special meeting on one of the latter dates after the election, so ample time is available for them to count ballots. 

Motion by, Barsness, seconded by T. Reichmann, to set November 17, 2022 at 7:30 am to Canvass School Board election and Special Election Results.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

School Board approval of the Annual Assurance of Compliance statement was requested. This request for approval should be an annual board action acknowledging the school district is in compliance with all federal mandates, which are required for all federal program entitlements and programming.

Motion by, Lagred, seconded by Holtberg, to approve the Assurance of Compliance Statement.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Motion by Zavadil, seconded by Barsness, to approve the list of items obsolete and placing on auction.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

First reading of the following policies and Middle School Handbook update: 208 Development, Adoption, an Implementation of Policies, 504 Student Dress and Appearance Legal references updated, 519 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies, 520 Student Surveys, 521 Student Disability Nondiscrimination, 604 Instructional Curriculum, 605 Alternative Programs, 607 Organization of Grade Levels, 609 Religion, 611 Homeschooling, 613 Graduation Requirements, 614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure, 615 Basic Standards Testing, Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEP, Section 504 Accommodation, and LEP Students, 618 Assessment of Standard Achievement, 620 Credit for Learning, 624 Online Learning Options, 701.1 Modification of School District Budget, 703 Annual Audit, 713 Student Activity Accounting, 714 Fund Balances (GASB 54 Compliance), 720 Vending Machines, 721 Uniform Grant Guidance, 801 Equal Access to School Facilities, 802 Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material, 901 Community Education, 902 Use of School District buildings and Suites, 904 Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Non-school Persons

Motion by, Barsness, seconded by Zavadil, to close meeting at 7: 49 p.m., to hold Superintendent Evaluation

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 

Motion by A. Reichmann, seconded by Barsness, to reopen the meeting at 8:13p.m.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried. 



• October 17, 2022, District Parent Advisory Meeting, 5:00 pm

• October 17, 2022, AIPAC Committee Meeting, 4:30 pm

• October 17, 2022, Regular School Board Meeting at 7 pm in the MAS district office board room

• November 8, 2022, General Election

• November 17, 2022, Canvassing Election at 7:30 am in the MAS district office board room.

• November 21, 2022, Regular School Board Meeting at 7 pm in the MAS district office board room

• December 19, 2022, Truth in Taxation Meeting at 6:30 pm in the MAS district office board room.

• December 19, 2022, Regular School Board Meeting at 7:00 pm in the MAS district office board room

Motion by Lagred, seconded by, Barsness, to adjourn the meeting at TIME pm.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye: Barsness, Zavadil, A. Reichmann, T. Reichmann, Holtberg, Lagred

Nay: None

Motion carried

Angie Reichmann, Clerk

Minnewaska Area Schools,

ISD 2149

Glenwood, MN

Oct. 24