From November 15, 1912

Miss Ragnhild Kjorstad was most pleasantly surprised by a large number of her lady friends Wednesday of last week. She was presented with a purse of money and a cupboard.

Jert Pederson, one of the pioneer settlers of Greenland, died at Cyrus where he has lived the past 2 or 3 years. He was buried Saturday at Immanuel Cemetery. A year and a half old granddaughter of Mr. Pederson died a couple days later. They were both buried in the same grave. 

A newcomer arrived at Alfred Erickson’s last Sunday evening. It was a boy. Cigars, please! 


From November 3, 1922

Funeral services for Miss Christine Solhaug were held at the Minnewaska Lutheran Church on Monday, Rev. T. Kleven officiating. She is survived by her father,  Jens Solhaug; three brothers, Louis of Minnewaska Township, Dr. Sam Solhaug of Minneapolis and Andrew of Williams County, North Dakota; and three sisters, Mrs. Randy Taylor of Vangaard, Sask., Canada, Mrs. John Ingvarson and Miss Thea Solhaug of Starbuck.

Minnesota Farmers are paying an average of 5.3 cents a bushel for corn picking while unloading is done by hand and 4.7 cents where an elevator is used, according to a labor survey just completed. 

Joseph Gandrud, 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gandrud of Glenwood Township is the county champion in juvenile pig breeding and feeding, and has entered his grade Poland China Pig in the Junior Livestock Show. 

The following teachers attended the M.E.A.: Miss Symons, Miss Fry, Miss Whitney, Miss Christopherson and Mr. Jorstad. 


From November 10, 1932

The Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Lowry was consolidated with the Lowry State Bank on Tuesday, the latter taking over the business on Wednesday morning. The officers of the Lowry State Bank are I.M. Engebretson, Pres.; Mrs. L.L. Gibbon, vice pres.; and H.F. Engebretson, cashier. 

Harris Engebretson, Claremont Gorder, Merlin Elie, Joy Nelson and Arnold Berge were in Northfield Saturday for the football game between St. Olaf and Luther College. It was also St. Olaf’s homecoming day. 

The Cyrus Study Club will hold a food sale and lunch at the Chalenburg store at Cyrus on Saturday, Nov. 12, afternoon and evening. The lunch will be served Scandinavian fashion, with flotegrod, lefse, sprut bakkels and fattigmann heading the menu. Home pastries and cakes will be on sale. 

An armistice day program, sponsored by the American Legion and Auxiliary, will be held at the school auditorium on Friday, Nov. 11, at 2:30 p.m. The public is accordingly invited to attend. There will be no school in session Friday afternoon enabling parents and pupils to attend the program. Mr. Joe McGowan, the speaker on this program, is past district commander. He is editor of the Swift County Monitor at Benson.  


From November 5, 1942

Olive Halvorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Halvorson, is confined to her home with burns on her face which she received on Saturday when she put kerosene on live coals in the kitchen stove. She is expected to come out of it without any serious after effects. 

Funeral services for Henry Melvin Alford Olson, 29, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church Oct. 31. Melvin was found dead in his truck near Aitkin last Wednesday morning. Monoxide poisoning is thought to be the cause of his death. He is survived by his wife, Marcella; two children, Madeline, 3, and Melvin Eugene, 2 years old; his parents, Henry and Mina Olson of Starbuck; two brothers and three sisters. 

Oscar Hippe re-arranged the shelves of his store this week. 

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baukol are the proud parents of a second daughter, Diane Mavis, born October 26. 

Miss Ruth Arlene Lundgren of Warren, MN became the bride of Adolph E. Carlson at the Fron Lutheran Church November 2. The couple are well known here, as the bride has taught school near Starbuck for the past three years and the groom has been employed as a  building custodian in the public school here the past four years. 


From November 6, 1952

The republicans had a landslide – Eisenhower is elected President and Nixon, Vice President of the United States. 

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church at Fargo was the setting Thursday afternoon of the marriage of Miss Hope Grobe and Edwin Parry, both are teachers in the Starbuck Public Schools. 

The St. John Lutheran Church at Hancock was the scene of a lovely wedding, October 18, when Miss Darlene Pochardt became the bride of Alan Hagestuen. 

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Aslakson observed their silver wedding at East Zion Church, Sunday. 

Edw. S. Olson, O. E. Larson Ingolf Aal and Mrs. Wm Merrill were residents interviewed by Cedric Adams on his visit here recently and will be heard on WCCO November 9. 

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Torgerson and his sister, Pearl, and her husband of California, left Saturday to attend a wedding in Canada.


From November 1, 1962

The Conservation Department reminded trappers this week that the 1962 season gets underway on November 3. Mink, muskrat, badger and raccoon may be taken without limit statewide from Nov. 3 through Dec. 31, during this year’s season. 

A hard-charging, small Graceville line gave the Bucks all they could handle in a 13-13 tie in the Bucks’ last game of the season. There was no scoring until the second half of the ball game. Graceville found pay dirt first, scoring from their own 45-yard line on an inside reverse in the third quarter.

The Starbuck Post 4582, Veterans of Foreign Wars, entertained pheasant hunters by serving a ham dinner at their club rooms Monday evening. The total number of birds turned over to Game Warden Tripp was 76. Veterans in 15 hospitals throughout the state will receive pheasant dinners under the program. 


From November 2, 1972

The Starbuck Lions Club will host District Governor Howard Givens of District 5m-4 Lions International at the regular meeting to be held on November 6, 1972, 6:30 p.m. on Monday. He will pay his official visitation to the club. During his year’s tenure as District Governor he will visit each of the 59 Lions Clubs in his district. 

Saturday the neighbors of Edward Espelien gathered at his farm and picked over 70 acres of corn. In addition they plowed and disced a big portion of his land. Mr. Espelien recently lost his right hand in a chopper accident and is unable yet to handle his farm work. 

The 8th Judicial Court will have its fall term starting November 20th at Glenwood. Presiding Judge will be the Honorable Leif R. Langsjoen. Scheduled to be heard are three criminal and thirteen civil cases. 


From November 3, 1982

A major expansion for United Federal of Alexandria was announced by President Bjorn Pedersen. The association has merged with the Washington Federal of Stillwater Described as “the single most significant development” since United Federal was founded in 1934, combined assets of the merged associations will total $268 million. 

Harold Meyer, of Starbuck was honored at the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce Fall Rally for his craftsmanship and work in the construction of the recently-built “Shoo-Fly” located in the Starbuck Community Park located on the shores of Lake Minnewaska. Mr. Meyer copied a similar construction shown in only a photograph. 

Eighth District Judge T.J. Stahler of Morris ruled last week that the resolution adopted by the School Board of District #614 placing Miss Kay Martinson on unrequested leave of absence without pay at the close of the 1981-82 school year was upheld. Miss Martinson had requested the case be brought before Judge Stahler, following a hearing with a Hearing Examiner, where the Examiner had also found in favor of the action taken by the board. 


From November 4, 1992

In these days of busy schedules it’s rare to find someone who has committed themselves to a project to see evolve from beginning to end. For Vickie Peterson, a science teacher at Minnewaska Area High School, her commitment is to the environment and getting her students involved. 

It seems that nothing these days that we use come doesn’t come with a warning label or has consequences for using a product. Well it’s happened again, and this time it’s something that we all use. The Minnesota Office of Waste Management has issued a fact sheet to all county environmental planning and zoning offices regarding to the disposal of fluorescent, high-intensity discharge and mercury vapor lights or lamps. 

Contribute funds to R&R Nursery School. The Starbuck Jaycees have once again provided the Rainbows and Rhymes Nursery School with a cash donation. The money will be used to lower each students tuition by one-half. The parents, children and “Miss Irene” (teacher Irene Zens) thank the Jaycees for their continued support. 


From October 30, 2002

Dahlseng has written a book chronicling his time as a custodian at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Starbuck. He served as custodian for 55 years and will be officially retiring this month. The book, “A Caretaker’s Story of God’s House for 55 Years,” is as much about American history as it is about one small town church. It describes life from a coal furnace to a fuel furnace and from outhouses to indoor plumbing. 

With the election fast approaching candidates are preparing for the race for Starbuck city offices. Incumbents Roy Toivonen and Corbin Corson face Ted Razink for the rights to one of two seats open on the city council. Milo Holte is running unopposed for his second term as mayor. 

County looks at disposal ordinance. The Pope County Board of Commissioners decided to look into redrafting the county’s ordinance on the disposal of solid waste at its regular meeting on Wednesday.


From October 7, 2012

Pope County Commissioner Larry Kittelson was one of nine people and organizations from across the state of Minnesota to be honored at the 2012 Community Health Conference held Oct. 3 at Cragun’s near Brainerd, Minn. Kittelson received the 2012 award for Outstanding Dedication to Local Public Health. 

On Friday, October 19, Minnewaska Lake Association members Fred Anderson and Larry Jensen, along with Doyle Fetterer (who MLA buys the walleye from), released 2,500 walleye fingerlings into Lake Minnewaska by the Water’s Edge. Their goal is to release 50,000 total fingerlings throughout the season. Anderson said the fingerlings ranged from eight to ten inches this year. 

Growing food for a growing world takes more than soil, water and sunlight; it also takes technology. Thanks to the support of local farmers and a $10,000 America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education grant, students at Glacial Hills Elementary will soon have their hands on some high-tech tools to help their garden grow.