The fifth-grade students of Minnewaska Middle School participated in the Farm Camp Minnesota program this week. FCM serves as a bridge between the classroom and the farm. “Many kids don’t have an understanding or experience of being on the farm and where the food, fiber and fuel they use every day come from,” said Ann Vote, FCM Program Director. 

The students started the day at Dorrich Dairy outside Glenwood and were led on a tour of the dairy by Brad and Greg Vold. They saw where the cows are milked, fed and born along with the processes involved in the use of by-products. “Nothing from the cow is wasted. We create bedding, fertilizer and compost from the waste,” said Greg Vold. 

Students also visited Max Bat, Brut Worm Farm and RDO Potato Farm. 

Farm Camp Minnesota customizes each schools Farm Camp to match the experiences to the curriculum. “We work with agricultural producers to create a dynamic hands-on experience for students, giving the producers a platform to share their story,” Vote stated.

Farm Camp is a program under the umbrella of Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom. MAITC supplies educators with materials to prepare students for their on-site experience, giving students an understanding of what to expect during their visit as well as which stages of production they will be able to see.