Blue Mounds farmer raised wagons of walnuts

From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Nov. 9, 1922.

Five cars of [Train] No. 104, the mixed train on the Soo Line, left the track west of Elbow Lake last Saturday. The track was badly torn up for some distance, but otherwise the smashup was not serious.

Mrs. F.B.J. Bickle returned the latter part of last week from Sedalia, Mo., where she had been the guest of Rev. & Mrs. Fox, formerly of Glenwood. She reports having enjoyed the trip very much but thinks she likes Minnesota weather better.

Oliver Kaldahl arrived in Glenwood last Monday for a visit here with his parents. Mr. Kaldahl has since last April been in Lake Louise and Banff, Canada where he has been the clerk of the construction department for western hotels. After visiting at home for about two weeks he will go to Montreal where a large place is being erected for winter sports where he will serve as instructor in skiing for a couple of months.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Nov. 10, 1922. 

Raises Walnuts. It will undoubtedly interest many of our readers to know that Mr. C.L. Reisrud, prominent Blue Mounds farmer, raised about 3 wagon boxes of walnuts this season. Mr. Reisrud has a very fine grove of walnut trees which he keeps in fine condition. Mr. Reisrud is known as one of the best farmers in this section of the county. Although he has good land, his skill in handling the soil largely accounts for the splendid crops he is able to take off every year.

Mrs. Anna Gorder and Mrs. Martin Gorder served at the hospital dining room for the members of the Hospital Auxiliary last Tuesday.

Mr. & Mrs. Matin Rye moved into their new home the past week. Stromseth & Kleven, who had the contract for erecting the new residence, just completed their work. Mr. & Mrs. Rye now have one of the finest modern homes in the city.

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From the Cyrus Citizen Thursday, Nov. 9, 1922. 

The Hanse and Lee radio station has been a pretty busy place the last few days during the excitement of the election. Everybody is anxious to know “Who’s going to win.”

The large horse tent used by the road crew on the Kensington-Cyrus road blew down Sunday morning during one of the heavy rain showers so it became necessary to take the horses to town where shelter could be gotten.

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Other news:

Brooten Review: The Trinity Lutheran Church of Brooten, the Old People’s Home at Glenwood and the Lake Park Children’s Home at Lake Park were all remembered in the will of the late Mrs. Lena Chelgren which has just been admitted to probate. The Chelgren estate is one of considerable proportions and the amounts bequeathed to the Lutheran institutions mentioned are quite substantial.