Cigar factory expanded to Glenwood

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Nov. 23, 1922.

Friends and neighbors of Mr. & Mrs. Olson gathered at their temporary home last Sunday afternoon and gave them a shower of canned goods. It will be remembered that the Olson’s home burned down a couple of weeks ago, in which they lost all their canned goods as well as a lot of other things.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Nov. 23, 1922.

Glenwood now has a new cigar factory. Grover Cleveland Gossage of Ottumwa, Iowa, is here and has installed his plant in the second story of the First National Bank building. The tables for the workmen are all up and the men will start work within ten days. He can employ from 8 to 16 men. He already has engaged four salesmen, one of whom has started work. Mr. Gossage is a splendid man to meet, full of energy and the indications are that he will succeed.

  Glenwood brought her football season to a successful close last Saturday when she defeated Benson by a score of 13-6. The game was played in the midst of mud and water which prevented trick plays and kept both teams strictly to straight football.

  Glenwood needs a new depot. If there is no other way of bringing results, how would it be to get the Board of Health to condemn the one we have.

  The Farwell Farmers Elevator Co. is building a warehouse joining the elevator for the storing of their flour and feed which they intend to have for sale.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Nov. 24, 1922. 

Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy, to whom Fron’s congregation of Starbuck extended a call to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. H.O. Koefod, has answered the trustees that he will accept the call and will move here with his family on the 4th of December and will conduct his first services on the 10th. He will be installed the following Sunday. District President, Rev. Mr. Aastad, is expected to conduct the services.

  Farmers Elevator Closed. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers Elevator held last Friday at the town hall, it was decided to close the elevator and wind up the affairs of the business. Lake of patronage was the reason given by those in charge as the reason for closing. It was impossible to make expenses on the amount of grain handled.

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From the Cyrus Citizen Thursday, Nov. 23, 1922. 

Instruments for the school band arrived so that the first regular practice was held Tuesday evening.