From December 6, 1912

A Height Social will be held at the school house near Jens Dahl’s, District 51 on Saturday. Ladies, bring a good lunch and cups for yourself and partner, and wear high-heeled shoes. Men, bring money and a smile. There will be no extra lunches sold so everyone must look out for himself. Notice to gentlemen: Partners will be sold to you at the rate of 10¢ per foot. 

Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. last Friday, 109 people had dinner of lunch at N. Johnson’s restaurant. That sure is going some.

The tin can band was out serenading the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Landmark last Sunday evening. They left as a remembrance, a potato dish, a package of True Smoke and a corn cob pipe. 


From December 1, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Flack celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at their home on Sunday, Nov. 26 when a large group of friends and well-wishers came to help them celebrate. The Flacks have three children, Edgar, Ottar and Astrid. 

Miss Olivia Peterson came home on Monday from St. Paul to start work as county nurse the first part of the month. 

The 3rd annual Pope County Poultry show will be held at Glenwood on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. The officers of the Association are L.D. Taylor, president, Donald Simmons, secretary; Sverre Overrien, treasurer; N.W. Peterson and Wm Blair, assistant superintendents; John Jermstad, superintendent; the dist. vice president are W. Qualfe, Villard, Melvin Sansness, Farwell; Frederick O. Jellum, Starbuck and Henry Hanson, Lowry.


From December 8, 1932

Miss Mildred Hagestuen and Selmer Stenson were quietly married at the Fron parsonage on Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7 o’clock in the evening by Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy, officiating. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hagestuen of this village. She is an efficient young lady having been employed in local restaurants for a number of years and at present a waitress at Morgan’s Cafe. The Groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stenson of this village and is working with his father in the retail meat and ice business. The young couple are making their home at the H.B. Morgan residence for the time being. Best wishes to the bride and groom from a host of friends. 

Andrew O. Grindahl, last survivor of the first settlers  in Swift County and a  resident for nearly 65 years, died at his home Monday, Dec. 5. Mr. Grindahl was nearly 95 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Grindahl was for many years a resident of Benson, but the past few years had been residing with his son at the original homestead in Camp Lake Township on which he filed in 1870.

Ten below zero weather returned on Wednesday after a few days of mild weather. On Sat. evening a gale blew with blinding snow which threatened to turn into a snowstorm but Sunday it was still and the sky almost cloudless all day. 


From December 3, 1942

Minnesota will have it’s first statewide blackout on December 14. It is obviously necessary that all control centers be ready to operate and that your forces, especially Air Raid wardens, be as well prepared as possible to carry out their functions.

“Major,” the German Shepherd dog belonging to A.G.J. Anderson, left Tuesday by express for Minneapolis where he will be inducted into training at the Dogs for Defense at Minneapolis. He is 15 months old and is a very beautiful dog. About six weeks ago, Mrs. A.G.J. Anderson wrote in offering the dog to Uncle Sam and on Monday they received orders to ship him.

Many friends and former patients gathered at the school auditorium Monday evening for a “send-off” party for Dr. A.F. Giesen, who will leave for active duty at the Great Lakes Naval Station Dec. 14. Mrs. Giesen and their children will remain here.


From December 4, 1952

Comfortable, colorful plat form rocker with mohair – blend jacquard frieze covering, red, green or beige, walnut finished trim, only $59.50. Starbuck furniture Mart.

Deloris Hoium of Holmes City, granddaughter of Erick Hoium was one of the girls chosen for the women’s chorus at Concordia College at Moorhead. She also became a pledge member of Phi Iota Chapter of the MuPhi Epsilon National Music Society on November 17. 

Turkey hits $11 per pound at Alexandria Thursday night in the auction final of Northern States Turkey Show. The top prize went to Herman Schluter of Starbuck for his 17-3/4 lb. hen, reserve champion in the bronze broad-breasted dressed division. It was paid by the Farm Owners Mutual Insurance Co. of St. Paul. 

Now in training at Park’s Air Force Base in California is Robert C. Sonsteng, who enlisted in the Air Force in November. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sonsteng.


From November 29, 1962

While other communities in the state had up to seven inches of snow early Friday morning, Starbuck had but very little, just enough to cover the ground.

Funeral services for Axel Carlson, a life long resident of Hoff Township, were held at the Olson Funeral Chapel in Morris on Nov. 16. Rev. George Harty officiated . Mr. Carlson is survived by his wife, Helga and several cousins.


From November 30, 1972

On Thursday, November 16, the first organizational meeting of the new Glacial Ridge Riders Saddle Club of Starbuck was held in the Olde Tyme Theatre. The group elected as officers protem Paul Kirkwold, President, Steve Hippe, vice-president, Virginia Boringer, secretary, and Chuck Johnson, treasurer. These officers are to organize the club, including having it incorporated, which will be in the best interests of future members. 

Lake Freezes over Monday evening. With temperatures hovering just above the zero mark Monday evening, Lake Minnewaska froze solid during the night. It had been previously frozen but broke open again.

The Army Commendation Medal for his meritorious service at the Army Primary Helicopter School was presented Captain Kenneth S. Nordaune of Starbuck, Minn. Capt. Nordaune distinguished himself in consecutive positions as training, advising and counseling officer and executive officer of the Fifth, First and Second Warrant Officer Candidate Companies at the School. He was commended for his unparalleled success in motivating and molding the warrant officer candidates into professional soldiers and able aviators. 


From December 1, 1982

Area Starbuck residents are once again being asked to ave Campbell Soup labels. Since Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program was introduced in the fall of 1973, tens of thousands of schools have obtained valuable school equipment to help cope with educational budget squeeze. The overall results have been outstanding. Hundreds of millions of labels have been redeemed and millions of dollars of dollars worth of school equipment distributed.  

Many area Starbuck residents will have their Christmas brightened this year by winning over 70 prizes offered by twenty-eight participating Starbuck merchants during the 1982 Annual Christmas Promotion. 

Over 200 persons from all walks of life gathered at the Morris Sunwood Inn Saturday evening, November 20, to pay tribute to former State representative Delbert F. Anderson, honored as the fourth recipient of the University of Minnesota Morris Alumni Association Distinguished Services Award. The award is warded to a non-alumnus judged to have rendered “distinguished services” to UMM some time during its 223-year history. Recipients are nominated by a committee consisting of two members in good standing of the Alumni association, the Provost of UMM, the Alumni President, and Alumni Coordinator. 


From December 2, 1992

Once again this year, you’ll see lots of reminders that the merchants of Starbuck have turned the hands of time back as they are celebrating an Old Fashioned Christmas celebration. Joining with the Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce and cooperating merchants are the Starbuck Jaycees who will co-sponsor some of the events. 

At the regular monthly meeting of the Minnewaska District hospital, Donna Bahr and Laurie Knutson, Licensed Social Workers with the Community Counseling Center, with offices in Pope County,Inc. (CCC), presented a proposal to the MDH Board to designate the facility to serve as the fiscal agent for the Center. As the MDH is a “not-for-profit” organization, it fulfills one of the criteria for the CCC to qualify and receive a pair of grants. One of the grants would be from the Emma B. Howe Memorial Foundation and the second grant would come from Sheltering Arms. 

The Annual Minnewaska District Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar will be held on Sat., Dec. 5, at the Fron Lutheran Church basement. The event will again feature the sale of craft items, ethnic and regular foods, a delicious lunch and grab bags. Deb Gorder and Linda Montzka of the MDH Auxiliary extend a special invitation to everyone to come and enjoy. 


From November 27, 2002

“Some may equal, but none excel.” Those are the words engraved on the plaque Ron Lindquist received from his University of North Dakota fraternity. The Delta-Mu chapter of the Kappa Sigma fraternity decided to add Lindquist to its hall of fame this year. 

Approximately 85 people were in attendance last Sunday for a rural church meeting at Minnewaska Lutheran Home. According to Larry Larson, president of Immanuel Church, rural churches are facing difficult times with declining population, thus they have smaller congregations and less resources. He said they are attempting to make an effort at sharing more resources and ideas for keeping their church doors open. 

Lakers’ head football coach Steve Hill named the winners of year-end awards at the teams’ annual awards banquet Nov. 14, though to some of those gathered at the MAHS cafeteria, it may have sounded like he was announcing Florida Electoral returns. Apparently, the voters — in this case members of the varsity football team — had some difficulty making up their minds. 


From December 5, 2012

Minnewaska Community Health Services recently welcomed Dawn Roen, the new Housing Director for Holly Ridge Assisted Living on November 19. Roen is very familiar with the area growing up and living in Glenwood with her husband Mark and daughters Tiana and Miah. 

Outlet Creek Bridge work completed for the season. Bridge work has ended for the season on Highway 29 at Outlet Creek in Starbuck. All lane restrictions have been lifted, so motorists will no longer experience delays at the construction site. Crews will add an additional layer of asphalt, paint the new bridge and finish the multi-use trail, lighting and concrete curb and gutter in spring 2013. 

Santa visited lights in the park. Santa and Mrs. Claus showed up at the Starbuck City Park for the Christmas Light Show on Dec. 1. Santa and Mrs. Claus handed out candy to people and greeted them.