From December 13, 1912

The Jag Farms near Willmar will be ready for patrons in about a week’s time. This is a wet state and the rush of drunkards to this home will be undoubtedly be immense.


From December 8, 1922

Miss Alice Kirkwold and Mr. Guy Sylvester were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. T. Kleven. Miss Alma Roll was the bride’s attendant and Mr. Clayton Kirkwold attended the groom. The young couple will make their home on the groom’s farm near morris. 

A home talent play, sponsored by the Magnus Grondahl Post, and directed by Edw. Olson was presented at the town hall on Dec. 7. The following local people took part: Christ Westby, Gladys Frye, Dr. W.W. Larson, Otto Byhre, Magna Peterson, Harriet Kirkwold, Rueben Thompson, Lucille Whitey and Ralph Stenson. An orchestra, consisting of Edw. S. Olson, Ralph Forde, Oscar Olson, Ed Rolien, Grant Byhre and Miss Mabel Johnson furnished music. 

The Indherred Y. P. S. met Sunday evening and the following program was given: Vocal solo, Selma Ranum; Violin solo, Rudolph Gorder; Reading, Ingolf Aal; Piano solo, Alma Moe; reading, Marie Nelson. 


From December 15, 1932

The Starbuck Study Club held in regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Merrill on Thursday evening, Dec. 8. After the usual roll call, a very interesting paper was given by Mrs. W.W. Larson on “Mahatoma Gandhi” better known as the “Great Save” by the people of India. Owing to ill health, Mrs. Wm. Peterson tendered her resignation as secretary and treasurer of the club. Mrs. H.B. Morgan was elected to fill the vacancy. 

“Help out town reach its quota” is the plea made by Supt. W.A. Peterson, chairman of the Christmas seal program. School children are selling Christmas seals and all people are asked to purchase seals. The quota for Starbuck is $45.00; last year $43 in seals sold. A Supply of Christmas seals have been placed in the First National Bank and the Purity Drug Store. 


From December 10, 1942

Miss Eleanor Alice Stowell of Brainerd and Arlane Thomas Brandvold of Starbuck were united in marriage December 8 at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Brandvold. The groom will leave Friday to resume his duties in the service of Uncle Sam. The bride will continue her studies at the NYA school in Glenwood. 

The two Opheim brothers, Ervin and Ralph, sons of Ferdinand and Rhoda Opheim of Nora, north of Cyrus, have had an interesting record in the U.S. Service. Both left for Fort Snelling on February 15, 1942. Both were inducted there and sent to Sheppard Field, Texas, then to San Diego, California, then to Tucson, Arizona. Next they were both transferred to a camp in Colorado and both have been promoted to Sergeants. The two brothers have been very fortunate in being kept together under all these changes in assignment.

Dear Santa: Please bring me a pair of skates, I’d like a train, a sail boat, and football, books, pencils. ~Loren Rustad, District 37. 

Dear Santa: Please bring me a writing desk, and a typewriter. I hope you don’t get cold on your way. ~Douglas Opdahl, District 37.

Dear Santa: I am 8 years old and I am in third grade. Please bring me a big doll with real hair and eyes that can open and shut, a tricycle, a color book, a story book, and bring me a set of table and chairs. Thank you. I hope you get through without getting cold.  ~Helene Billehus, District 37.


From December 8, 1962

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wente were pleasantly surprised on Thanksgiving Day when they were invited to the home of their son Luverne near Morris, to find that all their  children and their families had gathered there to help them celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. 

Funeral services for Mrs. Gotfred Nordstrom were held at the Fron church on Friday, Nov. 23, Rev. G.Tolo officiating. Mrs. Nordstrom is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John Overson (Mabel) and Mrs. Edw. S. Olson (Agnes) of Starbuck; two sons, Garfield of Kirkland, Washington; and Otto of Hungry Horse, Montana; and two brothers, Ole Hagestuen of Saskatoon, Sask., Canada; and Julius Hagestuen of Starbuck. 

Funeral services for Mrs. Emil Evenson were held at the Glenwood Lutheran Church on Nov. 6, Rev. John L. Spencer officiating. Survivors include a daughter Mrs. Dale (Norma) Hesse of Alexandria; Three brothers, Albert Thompson of Glenwood; Magnus Thompson of  Montevideo; and Peter Thompson of Benson; Two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Amundson of Starbuck and Mrs. Alfred (Edna) Spangrud of Wayzata. 


From December 7, 1972

The Starbuck Chamber of Commerce will have three drawings during the upcoming holiday season totaling approximately $1,000 in turkeys and merchandise to be given away. Registration blanks will be found on page three of the Times. 

The Starbuck Community Betterment Committee has been busy the past couple of years making improvements on the theatre, marina and park. Presently they are running low of funds to continue this work. They have operated solely on donations and gifts from area citizens and business places. Should you desire to give a gift to be used in this betterment project, you are asked to send a check to the Community Betterment Committee, c/o Warren Olson, Starbuck.

The area was covered last Wednesday by mother nature with a beautiful coat of white misty frost on the buildings and trees. Pictured in the Times behind White Bear Lake Insurance building with the Starbuck Clinic in the background. 

The first heavy snow of the season hit this area Saturday morning with a fall of about six inches. Pictured in the Times Starbuck’s main street as cars inch their way along. 


From December 8, 1982

A mitten tree has been set up at the Starbuck School in order to keep the children of our area warm this winter. New or used, clean mittens, hats and scarves are needed. These items should be brought to the school by December 17. There is also a collection basket at the First National Bank. This project is sponsored by the Starbuck PTA.

At the regular monthly meeting of the Minnewaska District Hospital, the Board spent considerable time canvassing the Nov. 2 Hospital Board election results and after some discussion, officially announced that none of the reported results were challenged and Certificates of Election should be issued to the following newly elected and re-elected Board members: Harold Hagen, barsness Township; R.A. Engebretson, Minnewaska Township; Robert Homan, Rolling Forks Township; Sue Jeitz, Hoff Township; and David Danielson, White Bear Lake Township. The terms of the newly elected members begin on Jan. 1, 1983.

When temperatures in Minnesota reaches the 60s in December, strange things can and do happen. Fishing on Lake Minnewaska had been reportedly good as the first layer of ice had formed and the venturesome fishermen had chopped the first holes in the ice. But the warm weather and mild breezes, the ice shifted and soon those who hadn’t gotten their fish houses off the ice, soon wished they had. Unconfirmed reports had as many as 23 disappearing totally or partway into the icy waters. Then there were others who felt they could still drive on the ice.


From December 9, 1992

Inspite of the cool temperatures an enthusiastic crowd came to celebrate Juletre Lynsing at the Starbuck Depot last Saturday night. The Starbuck Depot Society celebrated its 6th annual Lighting of the Christmas tree. Pictured in the tribune, Santa and Mrs. Claus along with Rudolph who took part in the walk around the Christmas tree. 

Who will volunteer? For Starbuck Elementary, 45 parents have raised their hands and said “I can do that.” “The volunteers seem to really enjoy being a part of their child’s school life,” said Starbuck Parent Volunteer Coordinator Judy Haavig. “The time volunteered varies to what a person can give,” said Haavig, “to date the volunteers have put in over 150 hours collectively.”

Bruce Bottge, Director of Rehabilitative Services for Project Turnabout Chemical Dependency Treatment Centers, is pleased to announce the addition of Pat Schmidt and Scott Gilsrud to the program staff. 


From December 4, 2002

Mrs. Gloria Nichtern wanted to encourage her students to believe in themselves, and to do that she had to be willing to take a chance. She did and soon her hair will be red because of it. Her sixth grade class at Starbuck Elementary was participating in the COMPAS program Writers and Artists in the School, which sends professional writers to schools and publishes an annual anthology of student works. 

School Board approves purchase of computers. After more than an hour of discussion, the board unanimously approved a plan to purchase 285 PC computers immediately with instillation and training of the new equipment to start over the holiday break in December.

Mayor Milo Holte was pictured as he served coffee to guests at the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. The ninth annual dinner was served at Minnewaska Area High School. The traditional dinner was served to families, couples and individuals who would have been alone on Thanksgiving or who wanted to spend the day with others. 


From December 12, 2012

Helen Stafsholt, former Housing Director and RN at Holly Ridge Manor in Starbuck retired on December 11 after 50 years in nursing. After a year as Housing Director and three years with Minnewaska Community Health Services, Stafsholt decided to end her career where it began at the age of 16.

The Glenwood Rotary Club continued its effort to provide “Warheads, Warm Hands, and Warm Hearts” to local children by providing hundreds of hats and gloves to Glacial Ridge Elementary school in Starbuck for the winter season. The local Rotary club has been providing the hats and gloves to the elementary school for a number of years and this year made the donation to Glacial Hills Elementary School 

The Minnewaska wrestling team opened its 2012-2013 season at home last Tuesday with a triangular involving BOLD and Sauk Centre-Melrose. Minnewaska started with BOLD in the first match of the meet. BOLD downed the Lakers 47-27.