From December 20, 1912

Mrs. Oline Lorvig was severely injured on the way home from the Indherred Bazaar Saturday when the buggy in which she was riding tipped, spilling the occupants. She sustained a broken ankle bone. 

The Indherred girls made a hit with their Sale at the Town Hall Saturday. The proceeds amounted to $149.85.

Mrs. Bergette Signalness died on Tuesday at Glenwood, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Quam. Mrs. Signalness was said to be the first married white woman in Blue Mounds Township. 


From December 22, 1922

Rev. M.C. Johnshoy, the new pastor of the Fron Congregation was installed last Sunday. Rev. Aastad, president of the Minnesota district of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, was present to conduct the ceremonies. 

A new restaurant will soon be opening in the building formerly occupied by the Times. Peter Berg, the owner, has rented the building to Mr. Levi A. Johnson of Milan, Minn. 

American Legion boys will move their radio set to the town hall on the afternoon of Christmas Day where they expect to catch the sermon broadcasted by the Rev. Dr. Stub, president of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Everyone is welcome.


From December 29, 1932

Fern Lybeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lybeck of Cyrus and Lester Smedstad, son of Alfred Smedstad were married at Indherred Parsonage by Rev. Forde on Oct. 7, 1932. 

As announced, the combined church choirs of Our Saviour’s Church, Benson, and Indherred Church will sing a messiah concert Sunday evening, Jan. 1, at the Indherred Church. This will be the third annual rendition of this music in the Indherred Church. Solo parts will be taken by Mrs. Clara Wollan, Glenwood, soprano; Mrs. Helen Ramstad, contralto; Dr. R.W. Giere, Minneapolis, tenor; and Mrs. Elvin Saterback, Appleton, bass. Orchestral accompaniment to solos and choruses will be played by Mr. John Anderson, Morris, Mr. Christ Saterback, Appleton, Mr. Ralph Forde, Mrs. Laura Forde Giere and Miss Astrid Flack. The singing of this majestic and inspiring music should form a fitting closing of the Christmas season. No admission will be charged Good will collection, to defray expenses, will be taken. 

At the December meeting of the Starbuck Fire Department, the members decided to purchase and present to each of the honorary members of the Fire Department a life-time fountain pen as a Christmas gift. 


From December 14, 1942

Albert S. Rosten has three sons in the service, each one doing his bit for his country. They are Andrew at Fort Bragg, N.C., Clarence in Tuscon, Ariz., and Casper at Camp Robinson, Ark. A fourth son from the same family Pvt. Oscar M. Bogen, is at Camp Claiborne, La.

A young man arrived early Wednesday morning at the Minnewaska Hospital, weighing in at 7 lbs., and he requested the Times make an addition to the Starbuck Chickery greetings on Page 2. The signature should read Mr. and Mrs. RJ. Rosby and “Son.”

Miss Jeneva Skoglund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Skoglund graduated from the School of Nursing at the University of Minnesota. She majored in Public Health Nursing. 

Martin Heggestad, salesman at Hoplin and Nelson store at Lowry, received a $50 bond this week from Janney Semple Hill Co. for his award in a plant selling contest conducted the past year. Martin sold the most paint of any salesman in the 33 states served by the company.

Oscar Hippe closed a deal last week whereby he became the owner of Ruby Hansen’s building and variety store. He expects to remodel the building before transferring his grocery stock the first of the year.  


From December 18, 1952

Mrs. Ardis Berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Berg and Alvin Hoverud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoverud were married November 29 at the parsonage of Rev. K.R. Palmer in Glenwood. The couple will make their home on a farm south of Starbuck. 

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Anderson, Mark Sjellman, was baptized December 14 at Fron Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Halvorson of Glenwood and Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Grimsrud of Farwell. 

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martens of Travelers City, Michigan are the parents of a baby boy born Dec. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Erickson of Starbuck are the grandparents. 

Now training at Parks Air Force Base, California is Robert C. Sonsteng,who enlisted in the Air Force in November. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sonsteng. 


From December 20, 1962

Miss Jolene Kjera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kjera of Spenard, Alaska and Wayne Czichotki of Moorhead were married in Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Moorhead October 20.

Births: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Gorder (Janet Gullickson) of Bell, Calif., December 12; a daughter to Mrs. and Mrs. Galen Satrom (Josephine Peterson) of Page, N.D., Tuesday, December 18. 

Fourteen Starbuck area youth people are enrolled at the University of Minnesota, Morris. They are Everell Barsness, LouAnn Barsness, Ronald Carlson, Donald Hoffman, Deloris Johnshoy, Ann Marie Johnson, Julie Solberg, Judith Swensrud, Sharon Tollefson, Roger Larson, David Ophaug and Arthur Woodard.

Specials this week at Pederson’s Super Market: Lutefisk, lb. 19¢; jumbo fancy peanuts, 4 lbs. $1.00; chocolate covered cherries, box 39¢; lard, 4 lbs. 59¢; 1/3 bushel Washington fancy delicious apples, $1.69.


From December 21, 1972

The Fron church was the scene of a wedding on Saturday, Sept. 1972 at 2 p.m. in the afternoon when Chris Bartlett became the bride of David Gorder. Pastor Halvorson performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Ruth Brenden was the organist. The bride was given in marriage by her brothers, Scott and Gary. The couple are now living at 339 – 33rd Ave. No., St. Cloud, Minn.

Fourteen area schools pool forces to provide training for mentally retarded children at Donnelly. The students come from school districts; Chokio-Alberta, Herman, Wheaton, Graceville, Hancock, Morris, Starbuck, Kensington and Hoffman. They come by car, bus each morning. Their school begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m. The longest any child has to ride is 45 minutes one way.  

One woman to another at a party: “That’s lovely material in the dress you are wearing. I wonder if the style will ever come back.”


From December 22, 1982

District #614 Board of Education met last Wednesday in regular session at the District officers in Starbuck and the bulk of the more than three hour meeting was spent discussing what avenues will be available to the board to confront the anticipated monetary problems. 

Christmas came a little early for young Greg Larson of Starbuck, thanks to the Starbuck Lions Club. Greg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Larson is legally deaf and the Lions of Starbuck thought it might be a good Christmas gesture to aid Greg, so with monies they made at their annual Pancake Feed earlier this year, they purchased a Telecaption Adapter. The new device is a close-captioning system that the major television networks make use of during 20-25 telecasts each week. 

The Starbuck music department presented their annual Christmas concert last Thursday, Dec. 16 before a large crowd in the school gymnasium. Under the direction of Mrs. Julie Baker and stage assistants Denise Ahrlin and Kay Martinson.


From December 16, 1992

Byron Kenneth Anderson, age 27, of Alexandria, has been charged with two counts of criminal sexual assault conduct in the first degree when he allegedly assaulted a 60-year-old woman at her home in Glenwood Nov. 15, 1990. 

John Fredrick Bartz, 41, of rural Starbuck has been charged with eight counts of assault, making terroristic threats and reckless use of a firearm. The charges stem from an incident October 25 when he allegedly assaulted an adult in Pope County. 

Kay Amundson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Amundson, and Josh Pederson, son of Harvey and Dianne Pederson of Starbuck, have been named to the full quarter Dean’s List at St. Cloud State College. 


From December 18, 2002

Don’t lug those big fish houses out just yet. That is the words from Sheriff Tom Larson on Friday, two days after responding to a report of two men falling through the ice of Lake Minnewaska. The two men, Kenneth Meuwissen, 78, of Chaska, and Ronald Zachman, 62, of Winsted, fell through the ice on a four-wheeler near the DNR landing on the northeast corner of Lake Minnewaska. 

Those who didn’t buckle up last month paid the price. More than 12 unbuckled drivers received citations and warnings from Starbuck Police officers during the Safe and Sober seat belt enforcement campaign, according to officer Scott Mogler. The program, which is led by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic safety, went from Nov. 21 to Dec. 

In spite of an injury list that makes boys’ swimming and diving look like a full-contact sport, the newly dubbed Minnewaska/Morris Stingrays shocked even themselves by winning their third consecutive Fergus Falls Otter Invitational Saturday. 


From December 26, 2012

The Starbuck City Council met on Dec. 18 to discuss current items in the city. The council voted 3 to 0 to pass a motion to increase the fire department retirement payment from $850 to $1,000. Councilmen Jamie Logan and Mike Moen abstained from the vote. 

On Dec. 17, VFW Ladies Auxiliary members Carol Holten and Karen Tharaldson presented awards to the winners of their coloring contest, poster contest and essay contest. Winners were Emilie Peterson, Eathen Leavitt, Amanda Wevley, Alexandra Carlson, Sydney Metz Alexis Logan and Miranda Longtin. 

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train was in Glenwood as part of a 150 stop trek across the U.S. and Canada to help raise funds and awareness of hunger issues. Canadian Pacific donated $1,000 to the Pope County Hearts and Hands food shelf, and community members donated more than 800 pounds of food.