By Kris Goracke

The business for the regular December Starbuck City Council meeting opened following the Truth and Taxation and a Public Hearing on the subdivision of Parcel #27-0619-000.

The first report was the 2020 Road Project.  According Larry Van Hout, they are still finalizing costs.  “Right now, it appears we are spot on with the water and sewer costs, but still adjusting the final street costs,” said Van Hout.  “We have some preliminary costs and it looks like it could be an assessment of $10,500 for a 100-foot lot and $11,000 for 150-foot lot. We hope to have our final numbers soon,” he said.

Van Hout also updated the council on the replacement of the Starbuck Marina Lighthouse.  “We have been talking with the Department of Natural Resources and once we have a formal proposal, we will submit the plan.  Regarding the cost of the lighthouse, Starbuck Mayor Gary Swenson stated it is anticipated that the lighthouse will come at no cost to the city due to insurance and donations.

Renewing the contract with Glacial Ridge Ambulance was next on the agenda.  Each year the city pays $16,000 to keep an ambulance in the city.  According to a letter from Greg Meyers, Director of EMS operations, the funding is not for the daily operations, but rather is set aside to replace the ambulance when needed.

A time had been set aside to acknowledge and thank council member Jill Hanson for her service, but unfortunately, she was unable to attend.  “I would like to recognize Jill’s service to our council and thank her for her time and dedication,” said Swenson.

Starbuck Police Chief Mitch Johnsrud reported calls were down in November with a total of 159 calls compared to 193 calls in October.  “I had the opportunity to speak with the first graders at Minnewaska Elementary School which was a lot of fun.  The students had many interesting questions,” said Johnsrud.

Johnsrud also reported scams are taking place and people need to be aware.  “We actually had someone go to a house and tell this person that a relative was in jail and money was needed to help their relative.  These scammers can be pretty aggressive and persuasive.  When receiving a call or face-to-face request for money, people need to ask for verification and check out the story.  These scammers are very good at what they do,” he said.

The council approved a quote from Lowry Manufacturing for 24 new dock frames for the Starbuck Marina.  The cost for the frames is $27,859.23.

In other business:

•Discussed 2023 Fee Schedule.  Voted to raise the golf cart fee to $40.

•Authorized the interfund transfer of $7,000 for the 2017A G.O. Bonds.

•Approved the sale of city owned property – 33.29 acres of PID #27-0619-000 to Ted and Denise Razink for $45,000 with buyer paying all closing costs.

•Approved the final 2023 budget with the  tax levy, increasing 8% over 2022.

•Approved the 2023 liquor license for Water’s Edge, Blair’s Pub and Grub, VFW, The Tavern, Minnewaska Liquor, The Old Firehall Brewing Co. and Casey’s 3.2 license.

•Approved sponsoring the Heritage Days Fireworks Display paid for by the Starbuck Chamber.