Ice unsafe in many areas

Dec. 27, 1962 – The recount in the fall election in the race for governor showed Gov. Elmer L. Anderson still in the lead in the county though Karl Rolvaag had picked up 10 votes. Counters, or inspectors in Pope County were Arleigh Lund, the neutral inspector; Mrs. Frank Zima, the DFL inspector; and Richard C. Johnson, of St. Paul, the Republican inspector.  The recount of Pope County took two and a half days.

The Minnesota State Railroad and Warehouse Commission had ordered the closing of the Northern Pacific Depot in Glenwood for nine months of the year. The depot was to remain open in May, June and July due to the business of the DeBoer Potato Company. Glenwood area Businesses and the Chamber of Commerce had issued protests to the closing of the station at the hearing of the commission in St. Paul. 

Glenwood city firemen had answered 47 calls in 1962, the lowest number in several years, according to the report of department secretary, Red Edinger. Fifteen grass fires led the count of times the department had the fire rigs out. 

Dec. 28, 1972 – The Tribune reported that concerns for the future, and in some cases the not-too-distant future, led the local news scene in 1972. Heading the list were news stories about the merging of medical facilities and cleaning up Lake Minnewaska. Good news was in the picture with business expansions in several county communities, but tragedy had also been in the news in terms of costly fires, traffic fatalities and drownings. 

The Glenwood Municipal Building on East Minnesota was nearing completion. The building had been approved by voters in a bond election the previous March and would cost just under $200,000.

Winners in the annual VFW Voice of Democracy competition were Phil Serrin, Kathy Bryce and Steve Hagen. Judges had been the Rev. Dan Busch, Chuck Kuhns and Charles Jones.

Dec. 30, 1982 – The Terrace Mill Foundation’s effort to purchase the Terrace General Store got a big boost when Pope County State Bank present TMF director, Bob Conley with a check. The Terrace Mill District already included, the mill building, the keystone arch building and other facilities. 

The Glenwood fire Department had answered 35 calls in 1982, according to Ray Gulsvig’s secretary’s report for the year. Eleven car fires topped the list. Other officials of the department were Darwin Grammentz, chief and Merv Felt, treasurer.

Dr. Kim and Chris Gugisberg were looking for housing prior to their move to Glenwood to set up their veterinary clinic. He was a native of St. Paul and a graduate of the University of Minnesota but had practiced in Wisconsin for several years. 

Dec. 28, 1992 – Deputy county assessor, Wayne Anderson, was promoted to Pope County assessor by the county board at meeting and would be assuming his new position on Jan. 4. Anderson has been employed by Pope County for 12 years and was currently holding the position s deputy auditor.

Benjamin Erickson, son of Barry and Lori Erickson of rural Glenwood, was pictured on the front page of the Tribune. He was the New Year’s baby one year earlier. 

The Pope County Board of Commissioners voted to give county elected and appointed officials a three percent raise in 1993. The raises were to be given as a flat amount and not calculated on individual salaries.

Dec. 30, 2002 – Just over two years old, the Pope County Lakescaping Program was recognized this fall by National Association of Counties as one of the top projects affiliated with its Five Star Restoration program nationwide. 

Ice is unsafe in many areas, says the sheriff. “We have had four or five four-wheelers go through the ice already this year,” said Tom Larson, Pope County Sheriff. “We need to stress to people to be careful.” Larson said the ice is 12 inches in some areas, but is only a couple inches thick in other places. The most dangerous places right now appear to be along pressure ridges, according to Larson. “Even though it may look safe, the ice is never really safe,” said Larson. 

Dec. 31, 2012 – Students at Minnewaska Area Elementary School had a special visit on Dec. 21, the day before Christmas break. Santa and Mrs. Claus stopped by every MAES classroom, bringing a gift for each child, and offering a chance for boys and girls to share their Christmas wishes. 

Minnewaska Jaycees donate $20,000 to MAS for technology. The Minnewaska Jaycees recently donated $20,000 to Minnewaska Area Schools. The funds will be spread district-wide and used for technology. Pat Falk, Minnewaska Area High School, accepted the donation on behalf of MAS from Carrie Janu and Tara Nalso representing the Minnewaska Jaycees.

Tom’s Food Pride donates to MAHS trip. As a part of their receipts program, Tom’s Food Pride donated $1,000 toward the upcoming Minnewaska Area High School trip to Washington, D.C. Linda Hoffmann, MAHS trip organizer accepted the check with thanks from Justin Buysse and Cindy Buysse of Tom’s Food Pride.