The Soo Line was filled with Glenwood people

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922.

The chiropractic office conducted by the late Dr. Elizabeth Witts will be re-opened January 3 by Dr. S. N. Witts.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922.

A deal was closed last Saturday whereby J. A. Johnson now is the manager of the Rogers Hotel. Mr. Johnson is experienced in the hotel and restaurant business and should be very successful as the manager of this place. 

No. 109 on the Soo Line was almost filled with Glenwood people coming home to spend the holidays last Saturday. You could look almost anywhere in the three first coaches and there were Glenwood people. When the train reached Glenwood, the coaches became so empty that the conductor and brakeman became lonesome and the engine gave a sigh of relief. It shows that Glenwood is a very popular place for spending vacations whether it is in the winter or in the summer. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Dec. 29, 1922. 

The choir of the Indherred church gave the cantata, “The Nativity” at the Indherred church last Wednesday afternoon before an audience that filled the church. A considerable number of Glenwood people were present. The solo parts were taken by the Misses Selma Ranum, Agnes Forde, Astrid Flak and Mr. Martin Ranum and Rev. Forde. The choir will give the cantata again on the evening of New Year’s Day at Glenwood.