Pope SWCD District Manager Holly Kovarik was selected as the recipient of the “Friend of Conservation” Award at the annual Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Board members Keith Nygaard of Starbuck and Randy Mitteness and Randy Pederson of Glenwood and staff of the Pope Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) learned about the latest conservation programs at the 86th annual meeting of the Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (MASWCD). The meeting was held Dec. 12-14 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bloomington.

“This is a great chance for us to learn more about some of the current natural resource issues in the state,” said Nygaard. The conference will feature grassroots initiatives to conserve soil and water resources in Minnesota. “The convention always provides us with new ideas that we can use locally,” he said.

The annual meeting is an opportunity to learn about programs and updates from agency partners and professionals. It is also an opportunity for training for staff and board members. In addition to a variety of sessions on conservation topics, the annual meeting includes the MASWCD business meeting, with discussions and votes on natural resource resolutions. Several awards were presented at a December 13th luncheon. These include the MASWCD/MPCA Outstanding Community Conservationist Award, the MASWCD/DNR Division of Forestry Outstanding Forest Steward Award, the Minnesota DNR Division of Waters Appreciation Award, the Outstanding SWCD employee award (presented by the Board of Water and Soil Resources), and awards for teacher, legislator, Friend of Conservation, and SWCD supervisor.  

Holly Kovarik, District Manager of Pope SWCD was selected for the Friend of Conservation Award. She was presented the award by LeAnn Buck MASWCD Executive Director. 

Kovarik has been serving as the representative on the Clean Water Council for soil and water conservation districts in Minnesota since 2015. Her 2nd term is ending in January of 2023 having served nearly 8 years on the Council. The current Clean Water Fund Council budget recommendations are for approximately $315 million.

Kovarik has taken a local leadership role with the Chippewa River Watershed Association One Watershed One Plan effort which will take more of her time in the next few years. She will also continue to serve the residents of Pope County as the Pope SWCD District Manager. During her presentation at the conference, Kovarik shared, “It truly has been my pleasure to represent SWCDs across the state of Minnesota. I have learned a lot about the variation in natural resource concerns in our state.”

The Governor will make the new appointments in 2023. Kovarik will continue to serve until the new appointments are made.

The convention also featured a December 14 luncheon, where the SWCD of the Year Award recipient was announced and recognition was given to outstanding conservationists from SWCDs across the state, with support from The Farmer magazine. Jim and Karen Barchenger of Glenwood as the 2022 Pope County Outstanding Conservationists were also recognized.

 Additional information on the event is available on the MASWCD website at www.maswcd.org.