It’s the 5th anniversary of ‘Be Kind’
News | Published on February 13, 2023 at 2:00pm CST
As 2023 marks the 5th anniversary of BeKind, members were excited to receive so many drawings and paintings of turtles from Minnewaska Area Schools 7th – 12th graders. They represent the theme, “Keep Going Keep Growing Kindness” as turtles symbolize wisdom, longevity, perseverance and steadfastness. Thank you to MAHS Art Teacher, Marit Salveson, for encouraging so many to enter their creations. All of the artwork will be shown at an upcoming Turtle Art Show at Central Square.
Calling community members of all ages to create turtles to be entered in the Pope County Fair. Though more info will follow, start thinking of a turtle made in any medium such as: clay, wood, walnut shells, paper mache, cloth or on paper. People’s Choice will determine those receiving ribbons and t-shirts with a turtle design chosen from one of the 7-12th grade artwork submissions.
So far, who else is into turtles?
The Minnewaska Lutheran Home staff and residents shared kindness through their own turtle creations while sharing the BeKind message.
W.I.N. Academy students made beautiful turtles as did Glacial Hills Elementary students.
A BeKind member shared a video on YouTube that demonstrates the power of friends helping a friend. It’s a good lesson whether one is a person or turtle. Check it out as it’s a good video for children and adults!
May you all experience kindness and love during this, Random Acts of Kindness Week!
Happy Valentine’s Day!