By Melanie Stegner

Pope County Commissioners approved the purchase of a new metal detector for the courthouse, funds in support of aquatic invasive species control and heard the highway monthly report at last week’s meeting. 

Ralph Hanson, Land Use Specialist approached the board to request funding for the Scandinavian Lake Association to help control the spread of Eurasian watermilfoil in the lake. “The DNR funding they acquired last year is not awarded annually, so we’d like to use funds from the AIS prevention aid fund,” stated Hanson. The board approved the funding in the amount of $14,320 unanimously.

A recommendation came forth from the Safety Committee for the purchase of a metal detector to replace the current detector on the third floor. The model that is being purchased is on wheels and would be able to be used throughout the building. Terry Jaworski made an appearance to represent the safety committee. “The typical lifespan of a metal detector is 2-3 years. This one is eight years old,” he said. The cost of the metal detector is projected to be $5,551.54 and the request asked to use the leftover 2022 funds that were allocated to the committee. 2022 funds remaining totaled $5,032.77. The remaining balance will be paid with 2023 funds. 

The board passed a resolution to retroactively authorize the closing of the courthouse on February 23 due to weather.

Brian Giese presented the Highway Department’s monthly report. The department placed orders for their 2023 budgeted equipment purchases. The purchases include a disc mower, a rubber-tired roller and a three-point shoulder disk. Rental of two tractors was also executed for the mowing season. 

In the report it was stated that at the end of February, the District Court provided its order denying the motion for Temporary Injunction by Peters and granting the motion by Pope County to dissolve the temporary restraining order from cutting trees along CSAH 17 as previously ordered by the county board. Discussion on this matter was completed during a closed session at the end of the meeting. 

Snow and ice control remains the primary focus as the winter season continues. The maintenance department is operating short-staffed as they have not filled one of their worker vacancies.

The board reviewed the proposed TIF districts from the City of Glenwood for a townhome development near the current Cenex and for the Fremad project. These will be reviewed at the city meeting on March 29 at 6 p.m.

Lastly, the board approved the gopher bounty to remain the same, $2.25.

Upon reviewing financial information and approving the payment of bills, the board went into closed session to discuss the status of the CSAH 17 project with their counsel.