MAES students learn about coins
News | Published on March 20, 2023 at 2:12pm CDT
Minnewaska Area Elementary School Second-grade students have been learning about adding coins up to $1.
Recently, they had the opportunity to practice these skills in a hands-on and real life experience. Here are some of the moments captured from Ms. Schlosser’s class!
“The Coin Store” was set up in the library with different grocery items costing either 5, 10, or 25 cents. Students had the chance to pick items from the store while making sure they had a grocery item from each category for their shopping list. Pairs of students worked together to add up their item totals and then check their work once they got to the cash register.
“The students enjoyed the experience and some of them even talked about being stockers or cashiers at a store one day! A special thank you to Deidre for allowing us to use the library and my parents, Trever and Christa, for volunteering their time to make this possible!” said Ms. Schlosser.