Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on April 3, 2023 at 1:50pm CDT
Gaarder donates land for park
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, April 5, 1923.
Thomas Callaghan says that he has no control over the weather but that he can predict good and bad weather. Last week he announced that spring would start on Tuesday this week. So far his predictions have been right.
There will be a Farmers’ club meeting at the Nora town hall Friday. A debate will be the outstanding feature. Orders for alfalfa and clover seed will be taken. A prominent farmer will discuss how to raise alfalfa successfully. Lunch will be served at the close of the meeting.
The meeting in Terrace church was well attended on Easter Sunday. Miss T.C. Bremness, Miss H. Bremness and Mr. and Mrs. Ringerud and Mr. and Mrs. Brynjolson sang a very nice song.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, April 5, 1923.
Leonard Wright has purchased A. C. Soltau’s barber and confectionary trade at Sedan.
C.T. Kirkevold is interested in the matter of a county poor farm. He has corresponded with the county auditor of Fillmore county about it and from the information that he gets from there it seems this plan is a big improvement over having the townships looking after the poor and the needy of the country.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, April 6, 1923.
S.L. Gaarder, who for many years has been in the jewelry business in the village and owns some fine lakeshore property on the north side of Lake Minnewaska, this week donated three lots and a triangular strip of ground to the village for a public park. The land given adjoins a large tract now owned by the village ease of J.S. Skoglund’s residence. The gift is made on the condition that the village plant 125 trees on the park property and forever maintain it as a public park. Announcement of the gift was made Tuesday by Mayor Arneson on the first day of his official term as mayor of the village. The negotiations for the property were carried on by Mayor Arneson and Ole N. Stromseth for the village. Mr. Stromseth will draw landscape plans for the beautifying of the park, and it is expected that donations of trees and labor will be secured to greatly improve the property.
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From the Westport World, Thursday, April 5, 1923.
If you have not already installed an efficient cream cooler, do so at once. You will never regret it – it will pay you well in securing first quality price. This cooler is handled at your creamery. Come and see and let us explain how it will save your time in taking care of your cream and how it will increase your cream checks.