Volunteers quickly put together a private dinner for Owen family, law enforcement and families

By Tim Douglass


Central Square became the site last week for a private dinner event for Pope County law enforcement and their families.  The private event also included family members of Pope County Deputy Josh Owen, who was killed in the line of duty on April 15.

In light of the tragedy, Central Square first postponed the Just for Kix performance and the Paul Greene/Renae Brown concert that were planned for that weekend.  Then, Executive Director Marie Chan reached out to offer space at Central Square in an effort to serve the community.

She said she talked to Pope County Commissioner Gordy Wagner offering Central Square as a gathering place for Pope County law enforcement during the week.

Wagner shared that thought with law enforcement and a private fellowship dinner was organized and took place at Central Square on the Friday before the Saturday Memorial Service for Josh Owen.  The dinner was for all Pope County law enforcement and their families as well as the family of Josh Owen.

“It was an honor and privilege to create a supportive environment for our law enforcement, EMS professionals and Deputy Owen’s family,” Chan said after the event.  “It has been truly heartwarming to witness so many people come together to put on this event.  We are lucky to live and work in such a close-knit and caring community,” Chan said.

She said the Central Square team, along with Stacy Gerdes and his staff, and an outpouring of community help, put together a dinner event “we can all be proud of.”

“We were very intentional about every detail, with the primary objective of hosting a discreet and supportive event that allowed officers, EMS personnel, and their loved ones to come together and mourn the loss of Officer Owens without undue distractions,” Chan explained.  “I am pleased to say that we achieved this goal.”

She said her gratitude and that of all of the Central Square staff goes to a long list of individuals who contributed to the event.  She thanked: 

• Stacy Gerdes and his excellent team, who provided delicious food for 160 people! We all know how Stacy is a friend to all, and this was readily apparent to all in the room.

•Tom’s Market, who generously donated coffee, ice, creamer and sugar

•Elden’s Downtown Floral, who provided the floral centerpieces

•JS Tent Rental, who gave us a generous discount on linens

•Glenwood Lutheran Church, who lent us extra water pitchers

 •Hope Community Church, who gifted all attendees a card with a comforting message of healing

 •Central Square board member, Neil Haynes, who cleaned the building entrance windows

 •Central Square board member, Barb Kramber, who helped clean up post event

 •Potpourri club members, who cleaned many chairs and kitchen utensils

 •The Glenwood Pickleball Group, who set up the tables, collected donated goods and returned to tear down and clean-up after the event

 •Glenwood Lakes Area Welcome Center, additional seating. 

 Chan also thanked Pastor Kelly Mahoney, who welcomed guests and led a prayer before dinner was served; Ivan Fossen, who greeted guests and offered invaluable advice in planning the event; Mike Tamte, Kris and Gary Hammer, who served as ushers; Gordy Wagner for his help in coordinating between us and law enforcement, and for setting the flags in our auditorium; and Joe Majerus of the American Legion for assisting with the flags. “Joe also replaced the CSQ flag and brought it to half-mast in honor of Deputy Owen,” she added.

“This event was a collaborative effort of many exceptional individuals. I firmly believe that uniting in this manner offers a means of taking concrete steps toward healing during times of communal sorrow, and a tangible sense of direction. In moments of tragedy, it is not uncommon to feel powerless. However, by taking proactive measures and giving of ourselves, we can transform our grief and energy into light and grace. I’m so proud of our team for the heart and soul they put into making the event happen in such a short amount of time,” it was stated by Chan.

The Paul Greene and Renae Brown concert as been rescheduled to June 3 at 7 p.m.