Tennis courts put in for playing this year

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, May 10, 1923.

The tennis courts in the park are both going to be put into shape for playing this year and in order for us to do it, we need help from those who are interested in the game. It is a game that is fast coming to the front in Glenwood and more youngsters are using the tennis courts than any other feature in Glenwood. 

The Civic club held its annual meeting last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. G. C. Wollan. The following officers for the coming year were elected: President, Zoe Ward; Vise President, Mrs. Burns; Secretary, Mrs. Linnevold; Treasurer, Mrs. A. F. Peterson. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed a good social time. 

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, May 10, 1923. 

Work of excavation started last week for the three bungalows which W. C. Vollrath will erect this summer on the lot south of the Thompson Laundry. Mr. Vollrath bought this lot last fall for this purpose and a crew of men are now at work. George Fisher has the contract for the erection of the buildings. Mr. Vollrath will live in one of these bungalows himself, the others will be rented. We will make them modern in every way and will connect them with the city heat.  

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, May 11, 1923. 

We have this month had several workers in the county to check up on the work being done and to look up special cases. Miss Johanneson from Central Division American Red Cross, Chicago, was the first and she went over the records and work of the nurse as well as the local chapter of the Red Cross to see that the work is done according to Red Cross Standards and that chapter funds are spent wisely and to conform to the rules laid down by the rules laid down by the National Organization.

Miss Hazel from Veteran’s Bureau was here to check up on ex-servicemen, who are now receiving compensation and vocational training and five men with adjusted claims were take in to see her.