By Nancy Jost

West Central Initiative

 Pope County—like counties across the nation—has a child-care shortage. That shortage was expected to deepen when Calvary Lutheran Church in Glenwood, Minnesota (population 2,600), announced that it would again need the space that it was renting to Kingdom Kids, an organization licensed to provide childcare for up to 96 kids. With the impending closure of Kingdom Kids and the potentially devastating impact on its economy, the Glenwood community rallied to identify a solution. And, soon after, the Child Care Task Force was officially launched.

The task force includes representatives from the Glenwood Lakes Area Chamber & Welcome Center, Pope County Family Collaborative, Early Childhood/THRIVE Initiative, Pope County HRA/EDA, Western Prairie Human Services, Lakes Area Enrichment Center, Minnewaska Area Schools, Pope County Child Care Association, City of Glenwood, Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership, Glacial Hills Elementary School, Discovery Days Preschool, Safe Families for Children and West Central Initiative.

Tammy Anderson was appointed as Pope County Child Care Project Manager. “One of the marvelous things about community is when they come together and step up to the plate to create solutions,” said Anderson. “It has been a privilege to be a part of it.”

In her role, Anderson has met individually with task force members, stakeholders in government and business sectors, and community members regarding childcare access in Pope County. She also will be checking in with family child-care professionals to inquire how the task force can provide additional support.

Establishing a short-term solution and long-term plan

Calvary Lutheran Church extended the lease to Kingdom Kids, now known as Lakes Area Enrichment Center (LAEC) as of March 1, 2023, for another year. That will provide time for the community to make its dream a reality: a new space for LAEC.

Project managers are working with the school district to potentially use some of its space and land for a new facility. Although the space is large enough to house LAEC’s current enrollment, the community will need to continue searching for additional care settings. The initiative made by the school district has inspired others to offer additional solutions.

The task force didn’t forget about licensed family childcare and legally unlicensed Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) care, which are both vital components of childcare. LAEC plans to be a hub for training, resources, and community space for meetings. As one task force member explains, “It is easier and less expensive to support and keep current early care and education providers. They are trained, have relationships with local families, and have the equipment and care space.”

The task force also hired a consultant to write grants and keep an eye on the prize.

“Though each of the childcare task force members is governed by their own entity, together we’re able to look at the broader picture of what each can offer,” said Jeannie Pederson, Pope County Early Childhood/THRIVE Initiative Coordinator. “Knowing what each partner is doing and finding ways to enhance child-care access across Pope County is the goal and a true sign of collaboration. We’re so fortunate to have Tammy Anderson helping to lead the way!”

West Central Initiative’s rolein helping Glenwood

Three West Central Initiative team members participated in Glenwood’s Child Care Task Force: Nancy Jost, Director of Early Childhood; Marsha Erickson, Early Childhood Specialist; and Greg Wagner, Director of Business and Economic Development.

“We assisted the task force by providing information regarding child development, childcare, grant opportunities, legislation, and more,” said Jost. “Pope County will be successful because they’re working together to help children, families, and the community thrive.”

West Central Initiative also provided grants totaling $15,000 to help Glenwood implement the task force and identify a child-care solution tailored to their community.

If you’re interested in helping Glenwood’s Child Care Task Force, contact Jeannie Pederson at or Tammy Anderson at

If you’re interested in having West Central Initiative assist your community regarding childcare, contact