Minnewaska Lutheran Home (MLH) which is part of Minnewaska Community Health Services in Starbuck is celebrating National Nursing Home Week May 14-20, 2023. Each year, beginning with Mother’s Day, care centers nationwide take pride in honoring the spirit of their residents and recognizing their dedicated staff who face each day with a sense of kindness, compassion, and service to others. This year’s theme for the week is “Cultivating Kindness,” and a variety of events have been planned for Minnewaska Lutheran Home residents and staff.  The public is welcome to stop in to visit, have a cup of coffee, and join them for the events! 

The week starts off with a “Mother’s Day Coffee” on Sunday afternoon.  All women residents receive corsages in honor of this special day. 

Monday, May 15 is “Back to School Day.”  Residents and staff will wear their School Colors and the staff is planning to do a “Yearbook Project” where residents will have fun trying to guess between staff photos and judging who is the “Most Likely To….”  Starbuck Dairy Queen Dilly Bars are being treated in the afternoon-YUM! 

Tuesday, May 16 is “Be Kind Day” and is a day to recognize the people who live and work at Minnewaska Lutheran Home. Administrator Michelle Ehrenberg will be grilling for staff and residents and a picnic meal will be served to honor both. We will be wearing our “Be Kind” T-Shirts and giving away fun door prizes to both staff and residents. Residents who volunteer within their home will also be honored this day. 

Wednesday, May 17 (Syttende Mai) is “Heritage Day.”  Residents and staff are encouraged to dress in colors of their heritage. There is a church service in the morning, and residents will enjoy a traditional Scandinavian Meal as well as rosettes from the local Sons of Norway group. The Activity Staff is planning a “Spring Peanut Auction” for the residents in the afternoon. 

Thursday, May 18 is “Under the Sea Day.” Think blue, tropical, and beachy for this day. There will be a fun photo booth, the Elvis “Blue Hawaii” movie will be shown, “Feed the Shark Game” will be played, the creative Dietary team is making a delicious and colorful Blue Sea dinner that day, and residents will help to decorate Blue Sea Donuts for afternoon snack. 

Friday, May 19 is “Crazy Day.” Dress Crazy/Crazy Hair!  MLH is having a Pizza Party, Banana Splits will be the treat of the day, and the public is invited to join for a special Musical Piano Program by Kori Williams at 3:15 p.m. in the MLH Commons. 

Saturday, May 20 is “Armed Forces Day,” with staff sporting Red, White, and Blue this day. Residents and staff will join together at noon to say the “Pledge” sing “America,” and give honor/thanks to those who serve our country. 

Minnewaska Lutheran Home in Starbuck provides skilled nursing care for both long and short term stays. Minnewaska Lutheran Home was established in 1958, celebrating 65 years this year! For more information on MCHS Aging services, please contact us at www.mchs-healthcare.org or 320-239-2217 or stop in for a visit.