Cyrus band gave a concert at Glenwood Municipal Park

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, May 24, 1923.

The world activity of women did not begin with the World War when our highest type of women by entertainments and letter writing encouraged and inspired our boys to do their best, but back in Ohio in 1873 when the “Great Women’s Temperance Crusade” began to fight King Alcohol, who with his vast army had invaded the civilized world, bringing sorrow, poverty, and disease.

The women gathered in the streets to pray and marched two by two into the saloons, beseeching men who drank to cease to do so, and men who sold to give up the business, and all were invited to accept Christ. As a result, the liquor traffic was put out of 250 towns. The crusaders were the finest of Ohio women. 

The National W.C.T.U. (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) organization was founded in November 1874 in Cleveland, Ohio. It is now organized in every state, territory and dependency in the union.  The World’s W.C.T.U., organized in 1883, comprises fifty nations with a total membership of more than half a million. The W.C.T.U.contributes distinctly to the general program of: Americanization, Citizenship, Child Welfare, Health, Social Morality, and Industrial Problems. All serious and thinking women are invited to join the W.C.T.U. organization where all effort to help will be appreciated. 

– Submitted by Nellie Barsness M. D. W.C.T.U. State Superintendent of Health. 

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, May 24, 1923. 

Saturday, May 26th has been designated as the date of the annual poppy day sale in Glenwood by the American Legion Auxiliary. Proceeds will be used for hospital relief and grave endowment fund. An appeal that every American wear a scarlet poppy on Memorial Day in honor of the boys who fell in France has been sent to the nationwide membership of the chamber of Commerce in the U.S. at the request of the American Legion.   

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, May 25, 1923. 

The Cyrus School Band of 25 pieces went to Glenwood last Wednesday evening and enjoyed a picnic supper and then gave a concert in the municipal park which was greatly enjoyed by all those present. The bad is largely composed of young people attending the Cyrus School and they have made wonderful progress since commencing last fall.