From June 13, 1913

Wanted: A good dining room girl, wages $25 a month, board and room. Address H.L. Swanson at Rogers, Glenwood, MN.

A brand new gasoline pump and up-to-date auto filling station has been installed in front of the Farmers Store. 

Lillian Gorder, Aaget Swenson and Tora Flak are members of the class who were confirmed at Indherred Sunday.

A deal took place late last Sunday evening which is of considerable importance to the people in this territory when M.B. Stoen sold his harness business to J.C. Norby, known far and wide as “The Watkins Man.” Mr. Norby took charge of the business Monday morning and is now in full swing already.


From June 8, 1923

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnshoy were honored on their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their son, Herman, last Sunday when more than four hundred of their former neighbors and friends gathered to help them celebrate. Five of their eleven children are living: Mrs. Theo. Wold, Herman Johnshoy, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy, Mrs. H.A. Belgum and Rev. Walter Johnshoy. 

Miss Tina Smedstad and Mr. Elvin Fingerson were united in marriage at the Fron church on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. M.C. Johnshoy officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Cora Smedstad and Lyda Larson and the groom’s attendants were Edward Fingerson and Oscar Smedstad. Little Loraine Smedstad was flower girl and was accompanied by Reuben Brenden.

Miss Mabel Spangrud is a member of the graduating class of the Swedish Hospital School for nurses.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaarder on Thursday.

Miss Cora Klevenberg and Mr.  Benard Erickson were united in marriage on Friday, June 1, Rev. A. Olson officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Esther and the groom by his brother, Sanford.

Miss Mabel Tollefson and Mr. Alvin O. Stromseth were married at the East Zion church Tuesday by the bride’s uncle, Rev. S.A. Stenseth of Bend, Oregon, assisted by Rev. Chr. Pederson. The bride was attended by three of her sisters, Clara, Thelma and Anna, and Luella Stromseth, a sister of the groom. The bride was given away in marriage by her brother, Alfred Tollefson.


From June 8, 1933

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoverud was baptized June 4 at the West Zion Church. She received the name Corinne Olive.

Mrs. W.W. Larson of Starbuck was chosen as president of the Pope County Federation of Women’s Clubs at a meeting held at Glenwood last Saturday afternoon.

Miss Agnes Sandvig and Mr. Otto Byhre were united in marriage at the Indherred parsonage last Sunday by Rev. G.O. Forde. The bridesmaid was the bride’s sister, Judith and the groom’s attendant was Raymond Olson.  

Miss Grace Kirkwold and Mr. Sylvan Opheim were married at the Fron parsonage on Wednesday by Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Eilert Holte.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kirwold on Saturday, June 3.

Julius Kamrud graduated from Luther College last week. 

Miss Cora Tollefson and Claremont Kirkwold were united in marriage at the West Zion parsonage on Sunday, Rev. Palmer officiating. They were attended by Agnes Olson and Ole Tollefson.

Pope County Tronder Lag: Sondag, 11 June Vil Pope County Tronderlag hav sit aarlige mote hos Jorgen Roel, en mil vest av Glenwood. Fri kaffe, Velkommen.


From June 10, 1943

The new owners of Morgan’s Cafe arrived last week and on Thursday they took possession. They are Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Peterson and son, Richard. The place will be known as Peterson’s Cafe.

Mrs. Conrad Pederson entertained several little girls Tuesday afternoon for Mary Alice’s second birthday.

Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Berg, 89, were held from West Zion Lutheran Church Wednesday. She is survived by seven children, Mrs. Gilman (Clara) Aaberg and Louis Berg of Starbuck, Bennie, Carl, Ole, Christ and Alfred Berg of Hancock. 

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sylvester were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary at the Immanuel Church parlors Sunday. The couple has three children, Juliet and Harvey at home, and Ione, who left Monday for San Francisco, California where she will be employed.  


From June 4, 1953

Funeral services for Otto A. Maanum, 66, were held at West Zion Lutheran Church May 28. He is survived by one son, Howard on the home farm, Mrs. Clarmont (Mildred) Halvorsonof Clontarf and one grandson, Jerrol Halvorson.

Walter G. Larson, son of Dr. and Mrs. W.W. Larson of Starbuck graduated on June 8th with a degree from St. Olaf College in Northfield. He majored in chemistry and biology with minors in history, general science and education. Walter will teach high school chemistry and science at Staples next year. 

Plans are being made for the 70th anniversary and re-dedication of the Minnewaska Lutheran Church for June 25-28.

Pfc. Edward G. Aaberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Aaberg of Starbuck witnessed a first test-firing of an atomic shell for the Army’s giant cannon at Camp Desert Rock, Nevada last week.


From June 6, 1963

Warm and humid, with rain almost every evening or at night since May 31, and maximum temperatures between 83 and 89 degrees each day, has been the weather the last week.

Robert Lund began work as medical and lab technician at the Starbuck Clinic on Monday.

Two from Starbuck received their B.A. Degrees at Luther College on Sunday, June 2. They are Cynthia Aal Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ingolf Aal and Mark Forde, son of Rev. and Mrs. G.O. Forde.

Sylvia Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Peterson of Starbuck and Merlin Buchholz of Granite Falls were married at the Granite Falls Lutheran church on April 5, Rev. John Bjorge officiating. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Merald Buchholz and Mr. and Mrs. Galen Satrom. 


From May 7, 1973

The Pleasant Hill Troopers 4-H Club won the all-events competition at the annual 4-H Field Day held at the Starbuck Athletic Field, Saturday, June 2, 1973. They were followed by White Bear Lake and Midway 4-H clubs. The Pleasant Hill Troopers had the winning float with White Bear Lake second and Lev-Reno Ramblers third. 

The process of forming a hospital district for western Pope County continues to make progress as several political sub divisions have received petitions calling a vote by the people. 

Eight area students graduated from Moorhead State College on May 24. Those receiving a “Bachelor of Arts” degree were Seven Swenson (Cum Laude); Jane C. Tessem and Marvis Sanvik, all of Starbuck. 


From June 8, 1983

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Minnewaska Lutheran Church, George Aune built a replica of the church as it looked before the remodeling was done. 

Funeral services for Minnie S. Kennedy, 84, were held from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Morris June 4. He is survived by two sons, LeRoy Kennedy of Bellevue, Washington and a daughter, Mrs. Arland (Bonnie) Helberg of Kensington.

Jeffrey Knutson, son of Irwin and Verna Knutson of Starbuck, completed his residency in general surgery during a June 5th graduation ceremony in Saginaw, Michigan. He will continue his training in Cardio-Thoracic surgery at Care Western Reserve University Hospital of Cleveland beginning in July. 

Births: A son, Douglas Edward to Medly (Jackson) and Brad Sletten of Churches Ferry, ND June 5; a son, Conor Michael to Michael and Sue (LaQua) McDonough of Hopkins June 5.


From June 9, 1993

An earthquake measuring 4.1 on the Richter scale, struck here Friday night at about 8:30 p.m. No damage was reported to property. The last previous one that occurred in 1975, registered 4.6 on the Richter scale.

Funeral services for Delores “Johnny” Hammer, 70, of Anoka were held at Gearhart Chapel in Anoka June 11. She is survived by the following children: Chuck of Minneapolis, Dr. Ted of Starbuck, Tom and Dick of Anoka and one daughter, Jane Bartlett of Parkers Prairie.   


From June 4, 2003

With the school year coming to an end, teachers are taking stock of their students’ achievements and which programs worked and which didn’t. Accelerated Reader program is one they have seen work. 

The Minnewaska Medical Clinic achieved a milestone recently when it received its new Rural Health Clinic provider number from the State of Minnesota. According to Minnewaska Regional Health System CEO Tom Theroult, the new status will bring an additional $10,000 – $14,000 to the clinic each month in Medicare reimbursement. This, he said, will undoubtedly enhance the clinic’s bottom line.

Starbuck received good news and bad news from the state. The good new is the Local Government Aid cuts will be less than expected and the bad news is the cuts are now officially coming. 


From June 12, 2013

Minnewaska Area Day Treatment Principal Diane Cordes is saying farewell to the MAS District and Pope County after being named Superintendent in Breckenridge. 

The Starbuck City Council voted in a roll call vote of four votes to one to eliminate the city administrator position on Monday night (June 10). The council also voted to terminate the contract with City Administrator Sunny Schultz.

The Pope County HRA/EDA met for a couple hours on the morning of June 5. Executive Director Dick Dreher said construction has started on the Bay Meadows town homes (by Starbuck airport) but that it has been challenging with the rainy weather in the last few weeks. Dreher said the water, natural gas and electrical lines have been put in.