Memorial Day observed in Lowry
News | Published on June 5, 2023 at 2:40pm CDT
By Rick Gail
Lowry American Legion Adjutant
Patriotism and a time to honor military veterans who served our country was prevalent in the Lowry Community Center on a warm Memorial Day, May 29 in Lowry.
A program filled with music, readings and a Memorial Day address by retired Brigadier General Greg A. Haase led to a concluding ceremony and taps on this day of honor.
Members of Gust F. Holden Post 253 marched with colors from the legion to the community center, initiating the morning activities. Following a prelude on piano by Josiah and Esther League, legion members advanced the colors, accompanied by Alexis Wilson with the drum roll.
Lowry Legion Commander Tom Hills welcomed those in attendance. Andy League read the invocation, with local 4-H members then leading in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.
Luverne Blair read a piece titled, “Franklin Roosevelt’s Prayer on D-Day, followed by the singing of “Battle Hymn of the Republic” by a local choral group.
The Heidelberger sisters read the “Gettysburg Address”, leading up to the Memorial Day address by Brig. General (retired) Greg A. Haase of Apple Valley and summer resident of Lake Andrew, near Alexandria. Haase shared memories of Memorial Day while a high school student at Lidgerwood, N.D., including playing taps for the annual programs. He mixed light humor of those past Memorial Days with more serious times while serving in Afghanistan. His 35-year military career culminated with attaining Brigadier General in 2013 and retirement in 2018.
Following Haase’s address, Piper Anderson sang “Leaving on a Jet Plane”. Lowry American Legion Chaplain Dale Anderson read the names and profiles of 28 area servicemen killed in the line of duty from WWI through the Iraqi War. Anderson was accompanied by Judy Dahlseng and Laurie Musselman on harp. The servicemen included:
WWI – Frank Brosch, Francis Dougherty, Magnue Grondahl, Odean Halvorson, Gustav Holden, Alfred Hendrickson, Carl Moe, John Wold
WWII – Lester Anderson, Roy Anderson, Joseph Berens, Glenn Berge, Donald Bollum, Paul Carter, Edward Dahl, Orlando Dahlseng, Ralph Dougherty, Howard Ecklund, Claremont Gorder, Orville Jergenson, Robert Kasper
Korean War – Willis Brede, Wesley Forbord, John McDowell
Vietnam War – Max Beilke, Charles Branch, Robert Brede
Iraqi War – Ryan Blair
The congregation joined in with the singing of “God Bless America”, followed by the benediction by Andy League and retirement of flags.
The ceremony then moved to the firing of arms in the Little French Cemetery and Taps by DeWayne Wold.
Memorial Day concluded with a free-will offering meal, served by the Lowry American Legion Auxiliary, at the legion.
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