Minnewaska Area High School youth were invited to attend a Challenge Youth Institute at University of Minnesota Morris recently. In order to attend the institute, students were asked to research a global issue and write a paper about it. Eight Minnewaska students attended the challenge. The group met with local leaders and experts on critical global challenges and explore exciting ways to make a difference in Minnesota and around the world.

Students who participated in the Morris Challenge Youth Institute can earn a one-time $1,000 scholarship to the University of Minnesota Morris, recognition as a Borlaug Scholar and qualify for internships and further opportunities. Four Minnewaska students qualified as Borlaug Scholars. From left to right, Anahbelle Ernst, Riley Eischens, Jaden Ebacher and McKenna Uhde. Other students in attendance were Averie Uhde, Amber Peabody, Halley Spiering and Jada Lillenthal.