Tuberculosis clinic to be held

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, June 21, 1923.

Nordlandslaget er nu i bygen. Mange er kommen og mange er nu paa veien til Glenwood. Nordmanslaget vil aabne det aarlig mode i Glenwood i morgen. Laget vil vaere byens gjaester i tre dage.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, June 21, 1923. 

Simon Arneson of Montevideo was drowned last Sunday in Lake Minnewaska. He had come that morning from his home with two companions to spend the day at the lake fishing. They had hired a boat the Spots cottages on the south side of the lake and had started to fish for pike. The wind was blowing quite hard and the waves were so high that the boat was gradually filling with water. The men talked about bailing the water out of the boat but they got so interested in the fish that they were catching that they omitted to do so. A large wave came along and filled the boat so that it sank, with the result that Mr. Arneson was drowned. 

There will be a tuberculosis clinic in Glenwood on Friday of next week. Dr. Broker of the Battle Lake sanitorium will be here to conduct it in the city hall. The aim of this clinic is to teach all people how tuberculosis is spread and the best ways of preventing the spreading and contracting of the disease. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, June 22, 1923. 

A pair of twins, a boy and a girl, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Aaberg the early part of the week. They already had one pair of twins and a set of triplets, and this makes 7 children born to them in the last 32 months. They now have 9 children living, one of an earlier pair of twins having died.