New Extension Educator introduced to county board
News | Published on July 24, 2023 at 2:32pm CDT
The new Extension Educator, Jacob Halper, was introduced to the county board of commissioners at last weeks meeting. Halper comes to Pope County from the Chicago area. He studied for his master’s degree at Boston College and did his undergrad studies in southeast Minn. He brings with him 10 years of experience with youth development.
Tom Suppes from the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust, the company that provides Pope County with risk management coverage, presented a report to the board of the county’s activities. According to Suppes, several factors go into determining an organization’s risk.
Pope County is currently receiving a discount due to a low modification rate. The frequency and severity of work-related injuries and illnesses affect the mod factor. A mod factor of 1.0 reflects expected claim development and the county’s factor is .984.
During the July 5th board meeting, the need for an Environmental Assessment on the CSAH 17 project was discussed. Documents from County Engineer Brian Giese, Houston Engineering, Pope County Planning Department, Office of the State Archaeologist, Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office and a letter from James Peters were presented as evidence toward the decision by the board of the exemption.. According to a Minnesota rule, “modernization of an existing roadway or bridge by resurfacing, restoration or rehabilitation that may involve the acquisition of minimal amounts of right-of-way is exempt from environmental review.” The project is set to be conducted entirely on the existing highway right-of-way, according to Giese.
The findings of fact and record of decision for exemption from the EAW were approved by the board unanimously.
Final payments for seal-coating projects were approved along with three separate tax abatements for properties that were due to clerical errors totaling $102.
A resolution was passed recognizing Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision week and the Pope County Probation Department was thanked for their many hours of service.
Following a review of the bills and financials, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the county board of commissioners will be held on Tuesday, August 1st in the third floor boardroom.