From Aug. 15, 1913

Sever Lida, a prominent and highly respected farmer, residing a couple of miles northwest of Lowry, succumbed to pulmonary tuberculosis last Monday. Mr. Lida was only 34 years old.

Dr. C.M. Campbell reports the arrival of a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg. The newcomer, who arrived last Friday morning, tipped the scales at 11 pounds. 

Mr. Stocking of the R. F. Case & Co. says it pays to advertise in the Times. The next day after their first announcement  on “Fly-Off” they had six calls for it in the morning, every one was saying they had seen it in the Starbuck Times and the reason the ad does not appear this week is because they are all sold out. Who says people don’t read the Times? Well, to tell the truth, we have never heard anybody say that either. 


From Aug. 10, 1923

Miss Luella Stromseth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.N. Stromseth of Starbuck and Mr. Arthur E. Nord of Wilmar were united in marriage at the Bethany Lutheran Church in Minneapolis on July 30. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. David Nord. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Evenson of Barsness last Friday.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Erickson was baptized by Rev. Fiorde at the St. Johns Church on Sunday receiving the name James Alexander. 

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldor Knutson was baptized in the Langhei church on Sunday by Rev. Chr. Pederson receiving the name Irvin Curtis.

The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. G.G. Landmark was baptized last Sunday by Rev. Johnshoy. She received the name Verna Marie.

Miss Alma Tollefson has been engaged to teach a seven months term in the Lien school house Dist. 83.

Brevig and Co. are advertising windmills. They say the windmill is replacing the gas engine on the farm and it is cheaper to operate and costs less for upkeep. 


From Aug. 10, 1933

Work on a new addition to be added to the Minnewaska Church in Starbuck was begun on Monday. Construction will be under the direction of C.T. Kirkwold, who has laid the plans for the new structures.

Mr. L.C. Berg, veteran mail carrier on routes one and two, will retire soon after serving as rural mail carrier for 32 years. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sylvester on Sunday, July 30. 

Claremont Gorder was elected full time teacher recently with a salary of $100 a month. He was employed as a part time teacher last year and made a splendid record as teacher and coach. 

Olaf Rygh, Glenwood Jeweler, died at his home last Saturday. He is survived by his wife and three children: Edith, Johanna and John. 


From Aug. 12, 1943

Miss Aulis Pederson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Pederson and Wm Kuusisto of Minneapolis were married at Fron Lutheran Church Saturday. The couple will make their home in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

A short time ago the Times reported that Sgt. Jimmy Akers of Starbuck was reported missing in action following a bombing raid over German territory. This week his father, Hilbert Akers of Portland, Oregon, received a telegram from the war department stating that Jimmy was a prisoner of the Germans. 

Funeral services for Arthur Nordstrom, 38, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church August 9. He is survived by his wife, Nora; three sons, Arthur, Jr., James and Paul; his parents, Gotfred and Anna Nordstrom and by the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. John (Mabel) Overson, Mrs. Edw. S. (Agnes) Olson, Garfield and Otto. 

Ronald Adolph, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Carlson, was baptized monday evening at the Ida Carlson home. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson and John and Edna Carlson. 

Six boys from Starbuck, ranging in age from 16 to 26 years, were brought before Judge Frank Weed Monday morning on charges of willfully destroying personal property. A seventh boy, Ray Barons of Benson, was charged with both destroying property and assault. At the trial the boys all pleaded guilty and each were fined $150.00. They were all led out of the jail and have 10 days to get the money. 


From Aug. 13, 1953

Pvt. Lyle C. Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson of Starbuck is now serving with the Pusan Army Port in Korea. He is a clerk in the Officers Personnel Branch of the World’s busiest military port. He is a 1946 graduate of SHS. 

Funeral services for Andrew Blomquist, 83, were held at Minnewaska Lutheran Church August 3. He is survived by six children: Irene of San Francisco, CA, Herman of Salix, Iowa, Helen (Mrs. Perry Dullum) of Starbuck, Aster (Mrs. James Bystrom) of St. Croix Falls, WI, and Alva (Mrs. Walter Amundson) of Starbuck.

Miss Grace Mildred Jergenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jergenson and Howard Ingval Nelson, were married at the Chippewa Falls Lutheran Church in Rolling Forks July 25. The groom left August 2 for Fort Lewis, Washington for further orders. 

Funeral services for Johnny Braaten, 29, were held Tuesday at East Zion Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife, Irene; parents, Ole and Minnie Braaten; two brothers and one sister, Carl, Odell and Mavis Braaten. 


From Aug. 6, 1963

Mrs. Helen Bjorgo and daughters, Ruth, Jane and Roberta are planning to move here before August 15 from Appleton to the Ernest Johnson residence which she has purchased. 

Miss Marlene Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson of Kensington and James Belgum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Belgum of Farwell were married at the Nora Lutheran Church June 23. The couple will make their home in Ortonville. 

Pastor Merlin Huke of Williston, ND, has accepted the call to serve the Barsness and Chippewa Falls congregations. He, his wife and two children, will be moving here about November 1st. 

A group of relatives and friends helped Angela (Angie) Jensen celebrate her first birthday Thursday afternoon at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Norby.


From Aug. 9, 1973

The Rite of Ordination into the Holy Ministry of the American Lutheran Church will be held for Paul Flack Forde at the Indherred Lutheran Church of rural Starbuck on Sunday, August 12, 1973 at 11 o’clock a.m. The Ordinator will be the Rev. Stanley G. Knutson, Bismark, North Dakota, Administrative assistant of the Western North Dakota District ALC. 

Karen Freeman, Denise Hermanson and Gwen Mortenson were chosen as “Queens” at the annual 4-H dress revue held in Starbuck Thursday evening. Each were chosen in their respective divisions, advanced, junior and beginners. Karen Freeman and Denise Hermanson will represent Pope County 4-H at the state fair later this month. 

The annual Pope County free fair gets underway today (Thursday) in Glenwood more or less considered early entry day and getting set up for the next three days run. 

Brent Pederson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pederson and a 1983 graduate of Starbuck High School, has been selected to represent Starbuck in the 1973 Minnesota Teen Program to be held in Alexandria August 10, 11 and 12. 


From Aug. 10, 1983

Catherine Roberts, an 18 year old agronomy student from France, has spent the past month as a houseguest at the Harry Erickson home.

Karl O. Larson of Clarissa ad Steven Knutson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knutson, were married June 12 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Clarissa. The couple will make their home in Langdon, ND.

Funeral services for Agatha Maanum, 90, were held from West Zion Lutheran Church July 26. She is survived by a son-in-law, George Velde, Sr. of Sedan and two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Wallace (Ellen) Maanum of Starbuck, and Mrs. Lloyd (Harriet) Maanum of Benson. 

Valborg Johnshoy of Starbuck was among those who received an award for meritorious services to the Minnesota Horticulture at its annual convention in St. Cloud August 6. 

Robert Essler of Sauk Centre has been named the new manager of the Starbuck branch of United Federal Savings and Loan Association.


From August 11, 1993

Funeral services for Arnold Opdahl, 80, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church August 3. He is survived by a son, Howard of Starbuck; and three dauhters, Sylvia Moen of Milan, Elaine Klose of Staples and Margaret Smith of New York Mills. 

Cliff and Mae Olson of Cyrus recently returned from an Alaskan trip during which time they traced Cliff’s father’s path of prospecting for gold in the late 1800s and early 1900s. 

Dyanne (Opdahl) and Brad Parsons announce the birth of a daughter, Caitlin Clare Marie born August 7. 

Funeral services for Ruth Yarger, 74, were held at Lake of the Isle Church in Minneapolis July 27. She is survived by her husband, Edwin Yarger of Minot, ND; and two daughters, Ramona LaCasse of Everett, Washington and Rosalind Frasier of Houston, Texas, and one sister, Mabel Merrill of Starbuck.


From August 6, 2003

Live music, free ice cream, decorations and dancing. Was it a birthday party? No, just an interview with Jason Davis at the Dairy Queen. Starbuck was hit with the spotlight on July 30 when Davis visited the Dairy Queen to interview long time owners Dale and Shirley Anderson for “On the Road Again,” a bi-weekly Channel 5 Eyewitness News segment. 

Minnewaska Lutheran Church will be celebrating a momentous occasion on Aug. 10 – 120 years of worship. According to the church history, the church was founded in 1883 when a group of Scandinavian residents met at the home of Ole Knudsen to organize the congregation.

Let the bidding begin. The Starbuck City Council decided at a special meeting on Aug. 4 to start advertising for bids on its storm sewer improvement project. The engineer’s estimate on the project is approximately $2.3 million and the council will find out just how much it will cost when bids are opened on Sept. 4 at 2 p.m.


From Aug. 14, 2013

Come Sunday, August 18 to 2:00 pm for a ribbon cutting Ceremony at Holly Skogen Park. The trolls will be in fine form, silently watching as people gather to hear a bit of the history of Holly Skogen and to celebrate the beginning of the next chapter in the park’s development, that of an outdoor art venue. 

Residence of South Shore Drive in Starbuck checked in with the county board last week, keeping concerns for their property and Lake Minnewaska fresh in commissioners’ minds. South Shore residents had previously visited with commissioners at the July 2 board meeting; they were troubled by the amount of field run-off water coming mostly from the south side of County Road 18, leaving a path of destruction across their properties and depositing large amounts of sediment and silt into Lake Minnewaska. 

Laura Moe of Starbuck has been named to Eckerd College’s Dean’s List for the spring 2013 semester. The Dean’s List is compiled following the Fall and Spring semesters and includes students who completed at least four courses with a grade point average of 3.75 or higher.