Margaret Pederson receives ‘Inspirational Leader of the Year’ award at Pope County Fair
News | Published on August 7, 2023 at 2:13pm CDT
Despite the hot, humid weather last Thursday, Glenwood BeKind founder Margaret Pederson (far right) was on stage receiving an award at the Pope County Fair. Margaret, who is 101 years old, was honored on Thursday as the “Inspirational Leader of the Year.” The award was presented by Sue Anderson, representing the Pope County Fair Board. Pederson was instrumental in the founding and continued operation of the Pope County BeKind group, which this year is celebrating five years of service to the community. The BeKind group began with a handful of coffee drinkers who were concerned with kindness in the world following school shootings in Colorado and Florida. For the fifth anniversary of the BeKind group, turtles were chosen as the mascot. Residents of Pope County were asked to create a turtle to commemorate kindness and they were on display in the Legacy Building throughout the fair.