Official Proceedings

Pope County 

Board of Commissioners 

Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, JULY 18, 2023

The Pope County Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting duly noticed for Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 9:00 AM at the Pope County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Board Room, 130 E Minnesota Avenue, Glenwood, MN was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by the Chair, Gordy Wagner, with the following Board Members also present: Paul Gerde, Paul Gremmels, Larry Lindor, and Paul Wildman.  Kersten Kappmeyer, County Administrator, was present, and Neil Nelson, County Attorney, was not present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Approval of Agenda and Approval of Official Proceedings for July 5, 2023 were presented by Chair Wagner. Motion to approve the agenda as presented, made by Gerde and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the Official Proceedings for July 5, 2023 as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. 

Introduction of New Extension Educator to the Board, Jacob Halper, was made by Trisha Sheeran, Regional Extension Director. Halper was welcomed to Pope County by the Board and wished well in his service to Extension and the County.

The 2023 Annual MCIT Report to County Commissioners was presented as an informational item by Tom Suppes, on behalf of the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust.

SAP 061-617-012 Environmental Assessment Consideration and Final Payment – CP 2023:27, CP 2023:28, CP 2023:30 were presented by Brian Giese, Engineer. After a presentation and review of the record, public comment, and recommendation of staff, a motion was made by Lindor and seconded by Gerde to adopt the recommended findings of fact and record of decision as presented that State Aid Project No. 061-617-012 is exempt from environmental review and that in the alternative, were it not exempt from environmental review, that the project does not otherwise meet the criteria for initiation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). This motion Carried Unanimously. Motion to accept CP 2023:27, CP 2023:28, and CP 2023:30 as complete and authorize a final payment to Morris Sealcoat and Trucking, Inc of Morris, MN in the amount of $22,456.24, made by Gremmels and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously.

Consider Resolution 202315 Recognizing PreTrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week July 16-22 in Pope County was presented by Terry Jaworski, Probation Director. Motion to adopt Resolution 202315 to proclaim and recognize July 16-22 2023 as Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week in Pope County, made by Lindor and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. The Board thanked staff in attendance, Director Jaworski and Agents Powell and Erickson, for their service to Pope County. 

Tax Abatement – Parcel 02-8720-008 – Taxes Payable 2023; Tax Abatement – Parcel 02-8720-026 – Taxes Payable 2023; Tax Abatement – Parcel 02-8720-069 – Taxes Payable 2023; Auditor Bills –  June 14 – July 11, 2023; and Pay Bills, Supplemental Bills, Per Diems and Employee Reimbursements was presented by Stephanie Rust, Auditor/Treasurer. Motion to approve the 2023 tax abatement in the amount of $20.00 for Vincent & Melissa Meartens on Parcel #02-8720-008, made by Gerde and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the 2023 tax abatement in the amount of $42.00 for Chad & Jennifer Meemken on Parcel #02-8720-026, made by Wildman and seconded by Lindor, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the 2023 tax abatement in the amount of $40.00 for Bruce & Jennifer Bestland on Parcel #02-8720-069, made by Gerde and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Auditor Bills for June 14 – July 11, 2023 was presented as an informational item. Motion to approve payment of bills of $206,144.55 plus supplemental bills of $5,881.03 plus employee reimbursements of $2,452.75, totaling $214,478.33, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously.

Informational updates were given by the County Administrator and Commissioners.

There being no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 10:37 AM.

Kersten Kappmeyer,

County Administrator

Gordy Wagner,

Chair of the Board

Aug. 7