Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on September 11, 2023 at 11:53am CDT
Successful 3rd annual picnic for Pope County Publishing
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Sept. 13, 1923.
The third annual picnic of the Pope County Publishing Company was one of the most successful that the company has had. The weather was ideal on Sunday and people from far and near journeyed to the Erick Barsness farm in Barsness township where the picnic was held. The crowd was estimated at from six hundred to eight hundred people as over one hundred and seventy-five cars were counted on the place.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Sept. 13, 1923.
At the meeting of the Commercial Club at the Rogers Tuesday evening the question of glaring headlights on automobiles was discussed. The use of blinding lights on motor vehicles constitutes a real menace to safe driving on the highways and it is felt that something should be done to enforce the law prohibiting their use and to induce owners of automobiles to have them equipped with lenses which conform to the requirements of this law, and thus do a part of their share to promote safety in traveling on the roads of the state.
Dr. R. Pennington has sold his dental practice and equipment here to Dr. W. E. Sandbo of Montevideo and will remove to Minneapolis where he will take the medical course at the state university. Dr. Sandbo graduated from the dental course at the state university last June. He is a pleasant young man to meet and will undoubtedly do well here.
Kiwanians from various cities in this part of the state are gathered here today for the Inter-City picnic at Lakeside park. The ladies are along too and they are all having a big time.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Sept. 14, 1923.
Pageant of Abraham Lincoln in which 600 people will take part at the Pope County Fair, September 24, 25, and 26.
Excitement is growing among the mighty nimrods of this village as reports come in that chickens are plentiful this year and the past week they have been polishing up their trusty old flintlocks with loving hands preparatory to a terrible bombardment Sunday morning. Even some of the “oldtimers” have caught the fever. It has renewed their youth and made them forget temporarily their rheumatic joints and dimmer sight
The season starts at half hour before sunrise but no shooting is permitted after sunset. Ducks and other migratory birds may be shot on the public road, but chickens cannot be shot on the public road.