Letters to the Editor
Published on September 25, 2023 at 12:47pm CDT
Local Chapter of America’s Child, MTA say thank you
From Mary Walsh, America’s Child board member and MAS School Social Worker
Chris Bennes, MTA President & MAHS Science Teacher
On behalf of the Minnewaska Chapter of America’s Child and the Minnewaska Teachers Association, we would like to thank everyone who donated to America’s Child at the Lakers’ football game last Friday night. Our hotdog stand raised over $1200!! We are so grateful to have such supportive people in our communities who understand the needs of our students. A huge thank you goes out to Starbuck Meats and Locker Services for donating the hotdogs and Tom’s Market for donating buns.
Education professionals spend their lives with children, stimulating their minds, freeing their spirits, serving their needs–reaching out to children in a million ways, day to day, year by year.
Often these professionals are the first to see special situations, when students may need a hot meal, a winter coat, or funds to participate in a class field trip.
America’s Child is a non-profit organization established by Minnewaska teachers over 20 years ago to help fulfill urgent needs of school children in an expedient, dignified manner.
Again, thank you for your contribution to America’s Child. Your generosity and support are deeply appreciated.
Long-time reader looks forward to receiving Tribune & Times
From Bruce Fingerson
Breckenridge, MN
As a long-time subscriber who no longer lives in Pope County, I look forward to receiving the Pope County Tribune and Times. The news coverage, the sports coverage and the photography are all impressive.
I especially enjoy the “Publisher’s Perspective” and “Stonage Ramblings.” The occasional musings of Paul Gremmels are always well written. His essay about the cottonwood tree was his latest gem. To all of you at the Pope County Tribune and Times, keep up the important work of covering all things Pope County!
Barsness Park ‘has so much to offer’
From Jan Bratten,
I am fortunate to live across the street from Barsness park and enjoy my walks there. I want to compliment the City Park Crew that keeps everything in such nice shape. The grass is so nicely groomed and everything appears neat and clean.
This park has so much to offer to so many people of all ages and I’m sure not everyone is aware of all that is there. Besides the campgrounds, which are both seasonal and for overnighters, there are so many other things to do. There are always a lot of people playing Frisbee golf. There are groups of teenagers and complete families playing with children of all ages with strollers and dogs. A family affair. The Splash Pad was a great addition and it is fun to see families sitting at the picnic tables eating with kids running on the pad and also using the playground equipment. There are daycare providers who bring groups of kids and are enjoying all of the above.
You occasionally see a club of some kind having a picnic or a meeting under the shelters and sometimes just a senior citizen or two sitting quietly watching all the activities or taking a stroll up in the woods and sometimes seeing a biker enjoying the new trails recently completed.
Early summer and early fall we have baseball and soccer going on all the fields with hundreds of cars and young people everywhere. Any town would be proud and happy to have a park like Barsness Park where there is something for people of all ages and is utilized by so many.
Congratulations and Thanks to those who keep it looking so nice and those who keep exploring new possibilities for making it even better.
Keep up the good work!