Letters to the Editor
Published on October 9, 2023 at 1:41pm CDT
Stop removing ‘God’ from proceedings
From Inga Mae B. Urke,
I fear that many folks are unaware that the Democrats are attempting to remove God in numerous ways, but that as soon as they gained power, liberals in a key House Committee erased the words “so help me God” from the sacred oath given to witnesses before Congress. My source of this information is Lt. Col. Allen West of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation. How can a supposedly Christian nation continue to be allowed to kick God out of our country?? Are we supposed to tolerate this? Not me! In 1963 they yanked Christian prayer out of Minnesota schools. Now in some places they are forcing Christian businesses into bankruptcy and firing teachers for refusing to deny God’s word. Liberals are removing God because they want government to take His place and then government is who we will answer to, government will decide what our “rights” are and when government “gives” you your rights, then government can take those rights away!
We need to phone or write to Rep. Michelle Fischbach and tell her that you want to RESTORE THE OATH. Her phone number is: 320-403-6100. Or you can mail a donation to the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation at P.O. Box 96115, Washington D.C. 20090 to further their efforts in getting donations to continue their efforts to stop this nonsense. If you have concern for the future of your grandkids and for your own sake, I urge you to do what you can to stop this as soon as possible. It is crucial! Thank you.