Girls’ Glee Club to make first appearance

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1923.

On next Friday, the progressive business men of Sedan have arranged to have a real Community Day. At 9 a.m. the big doings start out. The Grove Lake band will be there to furnish music during the day. A number of sports will be put on during the forenoon and up to the time the speakers start at 2 p.m. Among the sports will be a tug-of-war between the farmers living on the north side of the track and those living on the south side of the track. A free movie at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. has been donated by the Ross Lumber Co. The speakers for the day will be W. W. Royster and H. Zander of Glenwood.

The city of Glenwood will soon have one of the most up-to-date mortuaries in this part of the state. A deal was closed recently whereby the Glenwood Furniture company became the owner of what is known as the Eddy house, directly west of the Fremad on Green street. The house will be remodeled and will be used for a mortuary. The Glenwood Furniture company has purchased the undertaking business of H.J. Berry and have taken him into their firm as a partner in the furniture and undertaking business. Ed Dahl has the contract for remodeling the mortuary.

The Masonic fraternity held one of their enjoyable social dances the past week in their rooms in the Furtney block. This was the first of a series of parties that this organization expects to provide for entertainment of their members during the winter season. A light lunch was served during the intermission.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Oct. 18, 1923. 

The Glenwood high school football team was defeated in the game which it played with the Willmar High School team last Saturday. Willmar made six touchdowns in the game and kicked two goals. Glenwood made one touchdown and one drop kick during the game. 

Since last week was fire prevention week, Mr. Joe Achter, chief of the fire department, decided that he would test out the schools of the city to see what plans had been laid there in the matter of making the buildings safe from fire and how well the school children could carry out these plans. He therefore went to each building of the system and sounded the fire alarm and timed the children marching out. After this had been done he inspected the fire extinguishers in each building. 

It has been noticed lately that there has been considerable work done in improving the race track on the fair grounds. Those who have been back of this movement state that the fair association has promised that if the race track is improved horse races and automobile races would be put on at the next fair. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Oct. 19, 1923. 

The Girls’ Glee Club, comprising twenty-three voices, will make its first public appearance of the year on Sunday, October 21, when it will sing two numbers for the Young Peoples’ Society of the Minnewaska Lutheran Church. Next week the Glee Club will begin work on the Cantata, “Christmas” by Franz Abt, to be given sometime before the Christmas holidays.

Ed Gilbertson of Benson bought the blacksmith shop from the Starbuck Hide & Fur Co. last week and took charge. Mr. Gilbertson has had eight years experience as a blacksmith and three years as an auto mechanic.