Down Memory Lane
News | Published on October 16, 2023 at 12:29pm CDT
Parents experienced school like their 7th graders
Oct. 17, 1963 – Moliere’s comedy, The Imaginary Invalid was about to be presented by the junior class of Glenwood High School. Involved in the production were Roger Bruhn, Janis Hustad, Allan Krook, Gary Probst, Jim Vollrath, Carolyn Rinken, Adele Swenson, Bonnie Halverson, Patty Blair and Gary Wold. Jane Hoplin was the student director under the tutelage of Craig Bucher, senior high English instructor and director of the play.
Three Pope County youths were injured in a car accident near Chokio while a Brooten teenager was killed and his friend injured in an accident at Hastings.
The Glenwood U Joint, a new corporation, was launched locally when the Glenwood Development Corporation approved a loan to the new company. The company purchased the inventory of Gyro Universal Joint Corporation, an existing Glenwood firm.
Oct. 18, 1973 – A big bull moose was spotted last week on the Charles Lida farm near Lowry and was most recently seen in the large swamp area southeast of Villard.
Pope County District Court was going into the fall session. Among those asked to report for injury duty were Leon Berg, Margie Bogie, Russell Buchholz, Charles Bullock, John Dosdall, Mrs. Howard Elwood, Douglas Espelien, Joyce Finke, Donald Grundseth, Adolph Hauge, Mark Hopkins, Carol Hoplin, Norman Johnson, Mayme Kalina, Arne Klyve, Roger Larson, Mildred Olson, Arthur Rosten, Mrs. Donald Seemann, Bert Selix, Dorothy Severson, Marjorie Strecker and Mrs. Gene Watnaas.
County agent Jack Morris told the Tribune that more sunshine was needed for completion of the area’s harvest. Heavy brought operations to a halt. And there still remained the possibility that there would be a shortage of propane for the drying of wet corn.
Oct. 20, 1983 – The persistent problem of head lice and kids in the local schools gave the Tribune reason to run its front page story. Principal Barry Janssen had reported that 30 children had been sent home from school at E. N. Nordgaard Elementary after discovery of the lice.
A June discussion tabled action on improvements to Central High School in Glenwood, and the decision was put off again when school board members voiced concerns about spending so much money on an old building. Superintendent N. H. Kerfeld said, however that, “something has to be done.”
Funeral services for Florence Eastburg, longtime school nurse, were held at the Church of Sacred Heart in Glenwood. She had suffered from kidney failure for some time and died following heart surgery in Rochester.
The Mission store in Villard was moving into its new building. In its fourth year, the store was party of the ministry of the Osakis and Villard United Methodist churches. Conceived and begun by a previous minister, the Rev. Peggy Cooper, the store’s profits were designed to go toward projects of the two churches.
Oct. 18, 1993 – Due to the state legislature’s modification of state aid received by cities in 1994, the city of Glenwood was possibly going to have to make budget cuts totaling $117,238. The city administrator informed the commission during a special meeting that even if more cuts in the budget were taken, it was possible that taxes might still go up.
The parents of seventh-grade students at Minnewaska Area High School were invited to the school to experience the role their son or daughter had as a seventh grader. There were 141 seventh graders and 65 parents were students for either a full or a half day. Besides being in the classroom, parents also had the chance to ride the bus and eat in the cafeteria.
The first and fifth-grade students in Villard Elementary School were participating in a big brother/big sister program. The two age groups were helping each other in various studies, such as reading, art projects, math or working on the computer. Besides helping each other, new friends were being made. The first-grade teacher was Deb Hoven and the fifth-grade instructor was Kathy Weltzin.
Oct. 20, 2003 – Dean Solmonson of Starbuck, had just pulled off Highway 55 onto County Road 15 and was waiting at the railroad crossing for a train to pass, when he heard a loud noise. He looked that direction out his side window, and saw that the railroad cars were coming off the track and sliding down into the ditch. He also realized that because the train was still moving, the huge tumbling, derailing cars were being pulled toward his truck.
Oct. 14, 2013 – Glenwood City Commissioners decided to wait a few more weeks before making a decision to spend about $17,000 on a study to determine if an inland marina is even a possibility. The inland marina would be constructed in the Pope County fairgrounds area, either on the south or north side of Highway 28, according to ideas being forwarded by the commission.
The first shovelfuls of dirt for the new Glenwood Retirement village expansion were moved on Oct. 6. The groundbreaking ceremony was held in conjunction with GRV’s 50th anniversary celebration, which included a day full of special entertainment, an anniversary program and refreshments. GRV’s $3.6 million addition and renovation project will create ore private rooms for nursing home residents and revamp the existing space into a “neighborhood” concept design.
American Solutions for Business was recently rated as the industry’s number one distributor by Printed Solutions magazine with fiscal year booked sales of over $190 million.