Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on October 23, 2023 at 12:06pm CDT
District 69 to hold Halloween party and string social
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, October 25, 1923.
There will be a Halloween party and string social in District 69 Friday evening, Nov. 2. Lunch will be served. You are requested to bring your pocketbooks. Lillian Dalager, Teacher.
In order to stimulate some real interest in renewing and securing new subscribers, the Pope County Tribune is going to give away a Westinghouse radio set, valued at $72.50, when installed. From Saturday, October 27, on we will give with every years subscription, new or old, one number. This will be placed in a box. At the end of eight weeks we will have some uninterested party, in the presence of judges, draw a number out. This is open to all subscribers of the Tribune, whether they live in Norway or in Pope County. For those who wish to pay more than one year, we will give a number for every year. The radio set can be seen at the Tribune office.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, October 25, 1923.
The first issue of “The Minnewaskan,” a high school journal published by the students of the Glenwood High School, has made its appearance. It is a three-column, eight-page paper. The editors are: Norman Eliason, editor-in-chief; Ethel Haygarth, assistant editor; Maurice Haugen, sports; Alice Jacobson, secretary-treasurer; Clinton Overson, advertising manager; Harry Haldorson, jokes; and Fern Cyrus, organizations. As we understand it the paper will be issued twice each month. The subscription price for Glenwood residents $1.25 per year, for those outside of Glenwood $1.50 per year.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, October 26, 1923.
The local post of the American Legion invited the post from Lowry down last Tuesday evening to spend a social evening and enjoy a bachelor spread. The boys prepared and served the lunch themselves and proved they are some chefs.
Ed Chalenberg suffered a bad bruise on his face when in trying to pick up a rope under the tower of a windmill, he stepped too close to an anchor hole which caved in throwing him to the ground, his face striking on a rock. He was assisting Knute Hidem with the erection of a windmill on the Edward Hanson farm south of Starbuck.
Quite a number from Cyrus drove to Starbuck last Friday evening to see the show “Grandma’s Boy” one of Harold Lloyd’s pictures.
Pupils of the rural schools have been having a vacation this week while their teachers have been attending Teachers’ Institute at Glenwood.