Fourth annual poultry show to be held in Starbuck

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, December 6, 1923.

The graveling of the state road, south of Glenwood, will be finished by Monday or Tuesday of next week. As a celebration of the event a committee meets tonight to lay plans for the event. A committee in Glenwood and a similar committee from the community south of Glenwood meets tonight to lay plans for the goings on next Wednesday. We do not know just what they have in mind, but we know in their plans they have a feed, a movie, various entertainments and other trimmings that goes to make a real celebration. All the people using the south state road and those in Glenwood that have made the graveling of the road possible are looking forward to an event that will be a real good time.

A lutefisk and chicken dinner will be given at the East Zion church basement on Sunday, Dec. 9. Everybody welcome.

Although quite different from the usual topics that are orated on at the Kiwanis luncheon, the local Kiwanians were very delighted with the talk that they were given on bird life by Rev. Benedict on last Friday. Rev. Benedict showed what a value birds are to us. He first spoke of their value from an aesthetic viewpoint and then showed their value from a practical side. He showed from statistics what a help they were to the farmers in destroying insects that were harmful to the farmers crops. He told how in a practical way birds could be encouraged to come to certain places by building houses for them and by feeding them. Mr. Benedict made such an impression on the club that they decided to give three cash prizes to the manual training class for the best bird houses built. Besides what the Kiwanis club offered as prizes, Mr. T. C. Loftus also added another $5 to swell the prizes. 

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, December 6, 1923. 

Celius Dougherty, son of W. F. Dougherty of Glenwood is making a name for himself in Minneapolis as a musician. He is now a senior in the University of Minnesota. He studied music under Mrs. G. C. Wollan in Glenwood until he had finished his junior year in high school. Mrs. Torguson then decided that he was so far advanced that it would be better for him to continue his music studies somewhere else and he went to Minneapolis. 

Music Lovers of Glenwood will be given a treat on evening of December 14. The Glenwood band will appear in public again on Friday evening, Dec. 14 at the McCauley opera house. On the evening of this day this musical organization will give a concert. This will be the first indoor concert given this year. The band has been practicing very diligently every Monday evening since the summer season in the park closed, under the able direction of Chester Kaldahl and the concert should as a result be a very good one. There are now thirty members in the band. Soloists: Myrtle Christenson, Cornetist; Erling Wollan, Tenor.

The American Legion Auxiliary is sending a box of jam and jelly to the Aberdeen hospital for the disabled soldiers. Anyone wishing to donate, kindly leave their jam or jelly at Ward’s hotel, Saturday, Dec. 8.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, December 7, 1923. 

The Pope County Poultry Association will hold its Fourth annual Show and Exhibit this year at Starbuck on the above dates. It is hoped that the poultry breeders of Pope County and elsewhere will make entries. The Starbuck Community Crop Show will also hold their exhibit at the same time, this should make a very interesting show for people to attend. The Poultry Association wishes to extend to the Farmers and others interested in Poultry and invitation to make this show their Poultry school. Exhibit their own birds that they may learn more about Standard Bred Poultry.

During the three days of the poultry show there will be a rooster on display. A number of prizes will be given to the persons guessing the nearest correct number kernels of corn he eats during the three days of the show. First Prize – The Poultry Show and Crop Show offers the Rooster. You’ll enjoy eating this rooster for some Sunday dinners. Rooster will be purebred but will have some disqualification which renders him unfit for breeding purpose. However, he will make fine meat.