From Dec. 12, 1913

Another of the old pioneer women of Walden Township has gone to her reward. Mrs. Syvert Thompson died at her home Tuesday last week. It was not expected by anyone that Syvert Thompson would outlive his wife, as he has been sick in bed for about a year, since his accident and fall that he had last year. But life is uncertain. The strong often have to go before the weak.

Ingolf Brenden and Louise Anderson stole a march on their friends by quietly slipping over to Glenwood last Saturday and getting married. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Gandrud and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Brenden. The young couple will make their home on the groom’s farm, a new house having seen built for them this fall. 

Death has visited Saturday again. This time it took Mrs. Fredricka Olson. She passed away on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Olson would have been 74 years old next spring so she reached a ripe old age. 


From Dec. 7, 1923

Miss Ida Ranum, who has just completed her nurses training in Chicago, returned home last Tuesday evening. 

Miss Inga Sanvik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sever Sanvik of Walden Township, and Oscar Smedstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Smedstad of Barsness Township were united in marriage at the home of the groom’s parents last Saturday evening by Rev. G.O. Forde. The bride was attended by her sister, Judith Sanvik and the groom by his brother, William. 

The St. John’s Y.L.A. Sale, which was held last Saturday, was a huge success. It was very well attended and the receipts from the sale of fancy work, lunches, candy booth, etc. amounted to $212. Miss Lillian Hustad furnished several piano numbers during the afternoon. 

Here are some of the specials in meats at the Aaberg Meat Market: sirloin steak, 16¢ a lb.; pork chops, 18¢ a lb.; hamburger, 15¢ a lb.; whole or half a beef, 7¢ a lb., whole or half a hog, 9¢ a lb. 

The following program will be given at the Fron Y.P.S. Dec. 9: Vocal duet, Anstes Smedstad and Orla Pederson; reading, Borghild Brenden; song, Junior Choir; recitation, Evelyn Brevig; talk by Prof.  Walter Estby of the Glenwood H.S. 

The following program will be given at the Mimer’s  Y.P.S. Dec. 9: Vocal solo, Nora Romsos; reading, Marvin Scheflo; piano solo, Norma Wollan; recitation, Luella Nelson, Trondhjemmer Skrone, Ingolf Aal. 

The teachers of the Starbuck schools spent Thanksgiving at their respective homes: Miss Ida Holden, Brainerd; Olga Bly, Minneapolis; Cora Glesne, Belgrade: Esther Weikert, St. Paul: Miss Thelma Haugen of Fairfax: Ida Oby at Detroit; and Ruth Larson at St. Cloud. 


From Dec. 7, 1933

At the village election held last Tuesday, George C. Arneson was elected Mayor, and H.B. Morgan was elected Trustee for a term of three years. 

Miss Anne Barsness of Starbuck and Mr. Melvin Brandby of Glenwood surprised their many friends this week by announcing their marriage which took place last may. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Julia Barsness and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Brandby. 

School notes: Grade I: Leonard Fogarty, Walter Larson and Mary Ann Thompson won in our seat work for November. Grade VII A: The following had perfect attendance last six weeks period: Pearl Eidberg, Eunice Erickson, Pearl Erickson and Alphild Forbord. Grade VIII perfect attendance: Earl Anondson, Edna Engen, Ellen Erickson, Luvern Hanson, Adeline Nodland and Robert Peterson. Did you know: That there are 98 boys and 89 girls enrolled in the grades? That there are 5 boys and 67 girls enrolled in high school?

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Opheim on Thanksgiving Day. 

Clifford Anderson, 22, self confessed bank robber, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Stillwater penitentiary by Judge Stephen Flaherty, after the grand jury found him guilty of robbing the First National Bank of Starbuck on Aug. 17. 


From Dec. 9, 1943

The Eighth Air Force Flying Fortress “Blind Date” on which S/Sgt. Palvin M. Lukken, 22, of Starbuck, is assistant engineer and left wait gunner, came back from a recent attack on Germany with oxygen lines out and control cables shot away. It was S/Sgt. Lukken’s 17th bombing mission over Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe. He has flown on many of the toughest missions including Stuttgart and the famous Regensburg shuttle bombing trip to Africa. He holds the Air Medal with two oak leaf clusters. 

Ensign Alfield Forbord, daughter of Mrs. Petra Forbord of this community is now a member of the Navy Nurse Corps stationed at the U.S. Naval Training Station at Farragut, Idaho.

Audrey Evjen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Evjen had a narrow escape from drowning Sunday evening while skating on the Aslakson lake near her home in Langhei. She skated into thin ice and fell through, however, her friends managed to rescue her. She was taken home and after a change to dry clothes was none the worse for the experience. 

Mrs. Myrtle Molander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Molander of Lowry and Leonard MacIver, son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacIver, Sr. of Kensington were married November 27 at Norunga Lutheran Church. The young couple will make their home on the groom’s farm near Kensington. 

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Swensrud are the proud parents of a baby girl. 


From Dec. 10, 1953

O.H. Wollan, who has been in business in Starbuck since 1913 sold the Wollan Garage to Gloege Bros. of Glenwood. Mr. Wollan will continue as salesman for Chevrolet cars for the new firm. 

Jeri Lyn, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hagen, was baptized December 6 at their home. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Hagen and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Knutson. 

Letters to Santa: Dear Santa. Please can I have a table set and a doll that says her prayers. I am 5 years old. Thank you. Diane Thompson. 

Funeral services for Clyde Winegarden, Jr., 32, were held at Methodist Church in Osseo November 28. He is survived by his wife, Jeanett; one five-month old son, Jeffrey Lynn; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Beveridge, Mrs. Leonard Nelson, Mrs. Harlan Disrud, Mrs. Justin Johnson and Mrs. Lyle Disrud. 


From Dec. 5, 1963

Thomas E. Olson was named “Citizen of the Year” by the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce Tuesday evening in the community rooms.

Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Johnshoy entertained a number of relatives and friends Sunday afternoon in honor of Dee Ann’s first birthday. 

Karla Rae, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Engebretson was baptized Sunday, December 1 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Sansness and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Engebretson.

Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Jackson are the parents of a daughter. Melissa Joy, born Tuesday, November 26. 

Helen Ruth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tegner Hustad was baptized Sunday, December 1 at Fron Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Loretta Hustad and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Knutson.  


From Dec. 6, 1973

The first loan in the nation, under the new program included in the Rural Development Act, has been awarded to a rural Benson couple, it was announced today by U.S. Representative Bob Bergland. The loan concept, allowing the Farmers Home Administration to guarantee or insure farm ownership and operating loans made by private financial institutions, was created by two 7th District Bankers — Paul Gandrud, Benson and  Tom Olson, Starbuck — and was inserted into the Rural Development Act by Bergland.

Two plans for the court ordered redistricting of Pope County were heard in district court Friday at the court house in Glenwood. The hearing was heard by district Judge Thomas Stahler of Morris.

If you were thinking of cutting your own Christmas tree out in the woods this year, better forget it unless you own the land. The Department of Natural Resources today listed a formidable array of regulations that must be obeyed, including a “written consent”  of the land owner, a “cutting report” and a “transportation permit.”


From Dec. 7, 1983

Kathryn Jean Gorder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gorder and Brian Jay Tohal of LeSueur were married at Indherred Lutheran Church Sept 17. The couple will make their home in Mankato. 

Sharon and Dwight Anderson of Mosinee, Wisconsin are the parents of a son, Brady Wessel born Dec. 2. 

Funeral services for Elmer Wesen, 85, were held from the Nov. 30. He is survived by one son, Eldon of Starbuck and one daughter, Mrs. David A. (Arlis) Samuelson of Grand Forks, ND.

Pcf. Glen A. Mohrman, son of Harold and Ruthann Mohrman of Cyrus has arrived for duty at Fort Hood, Texas. He is a 1980 graduate of Cyrus High School. 

Gifted high school students from 30 area high schools participated in the annual West Central Band Festival at UMM. Those from Starbuck who performed with the High School Select Band were Paul Malenke, Laurie Hagen and Gail Aaberg. Cyrus high school students participating were Janet Thompson, Shari Larson and Melissa McNeil. 


From Dec. 8, 1993

The Minnewaska Area School Administration came loaded with all of the ammunition they could muster for the special board meeting last Monday night at the E.N. Nordgaard Elementary School in Glenwood. They came prepared to explain the “truth in taxation” segment and to ask the board to approve a re-worked Levy Limitation and Certification, 1993 Payable 1994 levy. 

For the past 33 years the former Standard Lumber offices have either stood empty or used by a variety of businesses. Last Saturday, the newly renovated and refurbished offices were dedicated to former Standard Lumber manager Anton Ness and other Starbuck pioneers. The building is now the home of the Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce.

“The city of Lowry has a very good wastewater system,” said Tim James of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Detroit Lakes Regional Office. “Lowry is strictly regulated and has always met their limits. They have always rated to be in compliance,” James said. 


From Dec. 3, 2003

Nona Mortenson made new paraments for the Minnewaska Lutheran Home Commons. Her talent is evident in the work, but also her care is shown in the intricate details. 

The Minnewaska Regional Health System in taking the first big step in revamping and expanding its facility with the approval to hire Ringdahl Architects of Alexandria to create a master plan for the hospital, clinic and home care. 

The free Thanksgiving dinner provided this year to area residents was a big success, according to organizers. A total of 373 dinners were provided to area residents. That’s the highest number of dinners ever given out, said Gordy Stock, dinner committee member. He added that 212 dinners were served in the Minnewaska Area High School cafeteria and 161 dinners were delivered by volunteers.  


From Dec. 11, 2013

As the only doctor in the small town (Starbuck), population 1,300, Robert Bösl was used to late-night calls to deliver babies and respond to emergencies. But when the hospital closed in 2005, he wanted to do more. He and his wife, Vickie, took out a home loan and invested their retirement savings in a new clinic. Now 66, he still drives to the hospital in neighboring Morris – nearly 40 miles round trip – multiple times a day to check on his patients there and perform surgeries he can’t do in the Starbuck clinic. Bösl’s dedication and many years of service earned him the 2013 Country Doctor of the Year award from Staff Care, an AMN Healthcare company. 

Some concerned parents were at the Lowry City Council meeting on December 3 asking the council about rumors that the gym at the community center might be locked up. At a past meeting the city council decided to have the gym locked after school hours because people weren’t leaving the gym in the condition they found it in.