Letters to the Editor
Published on December 18, 2023 at 12:31pm CST
Placing our country’s needs first…
From Jim Thoreen,
Ukrainian President Zelensky this week makes impassioned pleas in Washington for a continuation of this country’s support to suppress and defeat the Russian invasion of his country. Congress has granted more than $111 billion to bolster the Ukrainians in their fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion. Zelensky met with Democratic and Republicans to urge their support of his country’s continuing battle for freedom. And they need more support. Zelensky’s first visit to Washington found a united congress, with loud, sustained applause.
But, the Ukrainians may have to take back seat to other priorities such as out of control immigration problems on our southern border… or how this country defines the U.S. role in the Middle East war which claims hundreds of lives daily… or how Congressional Republicans can impeach President Biden. What? Take on impeachment of a President while international challenges claim thousands of lives? Oh, and then there’s the looming re-consideration of our Nation’s budget before we run out of money.
Apparently, the Grand Old Party is willing to set aside both foreign domestic human problems, just so they can launch an impeachment of the President as a smokescreen intended to direct us from the legal noose which dangles above the head of former President Trump. The Donald faces… what… four court cases which could send him to prison and make it impossible to be elected to a second term.
The Republicans have controlled the House this year and have a list of historic accomplishments. Well, one historic act. They kicked out of the House one of their own. Other than that… crickets.
One can only wish that two or three or five GOP members of the house could today follow in the footsteps of former Rep. Liz Cheney. She is an American first. Then she is a political party leader who knows how to govern for all of us… leading forcefully from her political stance on issues with which many of us may disagree. But she has placed our county’s needs first, over the fumbling of issues by a demented political party.
Too many things going haywire
From Inga Mae B. Urke
There are many things going haywire in this administration that I must ask people to speak their opposition to. A young American has again been killed by an illegal alien! WHEN will Americans demand that border be closed? When will we object to government funds of $500,000,000 going to Planned Parenthood which kills 350,000 defenseless babies every year? Why were 300,000 guns left for the Taliban to use but they keep attempting to take OUR guns away? Why are 3 Muslim Democrat women leaders allowed to spew such hatred for Israel when we know we must defend Israel or our country will be cursed? Why are large schools allowed to teach totally ridiculous untrue things to young children? Why isn’t the Biden brat getting any punishment in spite of all his wrong-doing and money swindling? Why are we compelled to continue to have a very senile president incapable of leading and we sense that Obama is controlling things. We MUST demand getting Voter ID for I fear we will never have an honest election ever again without it since endless proofs of scams in the last election were never acknowledged!
There is much more “going to the dogs” with our country’s leadership but these few things alone ought to be enough incentive for everyone to write or call your elected officials and demand they do their utmost to get changes in our government before it’s too late!! Please write or call them now, urging them to not give in to all these horrible things.
Lucky me…
From Stan Syverson, Jr.,
That was a very interesting article on the population of Gaza by John Stone. I’m the only person living on the same area…lucky me.