•WCI’s Early Care Foundation of Pope County established to keep families with children in workforce 

By Kris Goracke


Approximately 33% percent of surveyed parents have withdrawn from the workforce or turned down employment due to childcare arrangements, as reported by First Children’s Finance. 

This, in turn, significantly impacts the local economy by reducing the available workforce to fill open positions at local businesses. Early Care Foundation of Pope County, a part of the West Central Initiative, has been established to bridge the gap between families with young children and local businesses, 

Comprising of community leaders with various expertise, the foundation is dedicated to finding childcare solutions throughout the county. According to Tammy Anderson, the child care project manager for Pope County, “If families cannot find quality child care, they will not move to our communities, or they will be forced to move away, or they might consider quitting their job to stay home with their children because they have no other options.”

Anderson recently gave a presentation about the foundation to the Starbuck City Council, appealing for support and urging the city to consider including the organization in their budget. She intends to visit all city councils in the county and various organizations to share the foundation’s mission. Additionally, Anderson will collaborate with childcare providers and communities to pinpoint needs and opportunities while fostering access to quality and affordable care.

Established to address the deficit of over 150 childcare slots in Pope County, the foundation encourages tax-deductible gifts. Anderson emphasizes that the foundation, funded through donations and grants, aims to utilize funds to create and promote childcare solutions in Pope County. This includes offering training, implementing growth programs, providing equipment and supplies, enhancing facilities, and raising awareness and appreciation for childcare in the county.

Anderson notes, “There is no one-size-fits-all solution to solve the childcare shortage, but there is something we can all do to help soften the crisis. The foundation is an avenue to all contribute to making a difference.” For additional information, contact Jeanne Pederson at 320-805-0592 or email her at famcolab@icloud.com. Donations can be made to West Central Initiative c/o Early Care Foundation of Pope County, PO BOX 318, Fergus Falls, MN 56538.