Down Memory
News | Published on January 8, 2024 at 11:59am CST
3M gives equipment to Glenwood schools
Jan. 9, 1964 – Glenwood High School was about to participate in the district one-act play contest with its presentation of J. M. Barrie’s The Admirable Crichton. Directed by Maureen Costello, the play cast involved Tom Chan, Roger Bruhn, Janis Hustad, Luiana Sivert and John Femrite.
Sharon Jean Norby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norby, of Sedan, made her first appearance at the Glenwood Community Hospital at 12:44 a.m. Jan. 4 to become the first baby of the new year. Nancy Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson, of Cyrus, was the first baby born at the Minnewaska Hospital in Starbuck.
The 3M corporation gave $3,000 in equipment to the Glenwood school. Making proposals to 3M for the aid were Herald DeMars, Helen Lehar, Marion Peterson, Violet Nelson, Clarice Bredeson, Edna Grove and Marion Lachelt and for the high school Ted Schmeckpeper, Rosalie Ofstie, Mary Kane, Julie Hansen, June LaRose, Robert Gomsrud, Jack Linder and Jim Nelson.
Jan. 10, 1974 – Stockholders in Brutanza Engineering, a Brooten firm which manufactured snowmobiles, were about to vote on a proposal by HVP Inc. to purchase the snowmobile portion of the Britanza product line. HVP made Scorpion snowmobiles in Crosby.
Due to the federal government’s switch to daylight savings time to save energy during a fuel crunch, the Glenwood school board decided the education of kids in the Glenwood District would need to start a little later, at 9 a.m., since darkness had become a problem for many rural kids riding the buses.
The price of gasoline in Glenwood had moved up and over the “magic” number of 50 cents a gallon. Customers at some as stations were paying as much as 53.9 cents for each gallon of gasoline.
Jan. 12, 1984 – Katie Ann Mattson became the first baby of 1984 when she was born at the Glacial Ridge Hospital. Her parents were Robert and Jeri Mattson. The baby received several gifts from Glenwood businesses to celebrate her arrival into the world.
The official number of ice houses on Lake Minnewaska was placed at 727, as counted by the Department of Natural Resources. The number was down from over 140 from the previous ear and well below the record of 1,045 in 1978-79. Fishermen said that early snow made getting the houses onto the ice more difficult.
Glenwood’s seventh-graders placed first in their invitational basketball tournament. Participants included Grant Hoover, Eric Weisel, Jason Kramber, Scott Elwood, Mark Strommen, Dave Jacobbson, Tom Johnsrud, coach Terry Morris, Mike Salonen, John Rutledge and Darin Schlief.
Jan. 10, 1994 – Jon L. Hagen, of Plymouth, a native of Glenwood, had taken top prize in the early bird drawing for the second annual Lake Minnewaska ice fishing contest. Second prize went to Don Wiener, of Glenwood, and third prize went to Steve Marolt, of Red Wing. Nearly 450 had bought tickets for the contest early to qualify for the drawing.
In anticipation for his 34 years of service to Pope County, David Troen, who had retired as county treasurer on Dec. 31 1993, was pictured in the Tribune receiving a plaque from the Pope County Board of Commissioners. Pictured with Troen were commissioners Arne Stoen, Mel Brekke, Phil McMahon and Jim Olson.
Steve Nestor, of Glenwood, had been appointed president of the Pope Unity, American Cancer Society. Other officers of the county unit remained the same; Maurice Amundson, Starbuck, vice-president; Stella Vollrath, Glenwood, secretary; and Orlean Dougherty, Starbuck, treasurer.
Jan. 5, 2004 – The year 2003 was eventful for residents of Glenwood and Pope County. People had suffered loss in the fire that destroyed Lakeside Ballroom, a structure that had been part of the Glenwood landscape for almost a century; they dealt with flooding caused by a record rainfall; and they watched helpless as heat-filled days baked fields dry.
Although the cow diagnosed with mad cow disease was discovered thousands of miles away from here on the West Coast, the impact of the incident had reached Pope County. Over the last several days the price paid for beef cattle had dropped radically, and those lower prices were being reflected at local meat counters.
Jan. 6, 2014 – Jeff Thornton, of Terrace, was one of 17 area artists whose artwork was selected for the Lake Region Arts Council Grantee Invitational Juried Exhibit at the LARC/McKnight Gallery in Fergus Falls.
Plans to upkeep and improve Pope County’s roads have been mapped out. The county’s five-year road and bridge plan was approved by commissioners as presented at the Dec. 26 board meeting.
Pictured in the Tribune, normally sleep and shiny, cedar waxwings like these can look a little wild and woolly in the winter. In cold weather, waxwings (and other birds) fluff up their feathers to create an insulating layer, trapping a blanket of warm air around their bodies. With today’s high predicted at -20° Fahrenheit, these guys will need all the fluffing they can muster.