From Jan. 30, 1914

Arrangements have been made whereby the management of the Dreamland Motion Picture Show has passed into the hands of young live wires George Fossen and Paul Metlie. These young gentlemen conducted the show last Tuesday night and their many friends were out in force and completely filled the house.

Edward Hanson and Ronnaugh Anderson were married by Rev. Koefod at Glenwood last week. 

The farmers in the locality seem to be quite interested in the new railroad which we hope to see running through here in the near future. 

Come to the town hall Saturday evening to play bingo, sailing east, pig in the parlor, needle’s eye and all the old games. 


From Jan. 23, 1924

The question of Sunday movies is becoming one of the burning questions of the hour in Starbuck, and it now appears likely that the matter will be submitted to the voters at the spring election, as the council will probably not want to go on record without the expression of the voters. 

The following was written by Dr. C.R. Christenson after the Rommegrot Fest which was sponsored by the Minnewaska Hospital Auxiliary: It was a huge success, hundreds of guests consumed eighteen kettles of rommegrot, sixteen lbs. of coffee, ten pounds loaf sugar among other things. Super intendant Miller, speaking at the hospital picnic last summer, said that no hospital can succeed with 100 percent of the community back of it, and our hospital stands as evidenced at all times by their loyal devotion to this noble cause. Not one penny of expense was assessed against the day when $157.32 was turned over to the Minnewaska hospital. 

The following program will be given at the St. Johns Y.P.S. next Sunday evening: Recitation by Leona Kjera; piano solo by Olivia Spangrud; reading Elsie Foelschow; recitation, Omar Dalen; piano solo, Evelyn Tangen; recitation, Alvina Kjera. 

High school notes by Clifford Schuetz: Last Friday one half of the school year was completed. Those who were neither tardy nor absent the first semester are: Signe Bardahl, Alice Brenden, Thelma Sando, Alida Skaaden, Ruth Skaalerud, Edith Brevig, Cora Tollefson, Agnes Hagen, Ethel Johnson, Mervin Kirkwold, Henry Rud, Beatrice Rye, Bertha Sando and Hilma Sando. 


From Jan. 25, 1934

Leonard Heggestad, 23, of New Prairie, had an unusual experience on Saturday night when he was kidnapped east of Starbuck by two tough looking gentlemen and forced to take them to Royalton, a small town southeast of Little Falls, where they released him after taking his money. 

At a special meeting of the village council held Friday evening, John Femrite was elected to serve as village marshal for the coming year. 

After enjoying two weeks of regular spring weather with the mercury staying well above freezing, the weather took on a different aspect on Wednesday to send the mercury plunging toward the zero mark. By the looks of the weather forecast, the coal dealers will have their day, at least for a short period.

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ingval Larson on Sunday. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Odin Floan on January 13. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Lundebrek on Saturday.

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rustad on Jan. 19. 


From Jan. 27, 1944

Word has been received here Saturday by Olga and Agnes Person that their foster brother, Staff Sgt. Palvin Lukken has been killed in action while on a bombing mission over Germany on Nov. 26. He had previously been reported missing in action. 

A baby boy, LeRoy James, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ingvald Larson Thursday, Jan. 20 at the local hospital. This is their fourth boy. They also have five girls. 

Trailing practically all the way, the SHS basketball team came from behind in the last four minutes of play to edge out a scrappy Hancock team 33-30 Friday night. Dick Peterson of Starbuck was high point man with 12 points while Donny Hagen collected nine. Three of the first 10 members of the Starbuck team could not make the game due to illness – they being Jerome Hoium, Walter Larson and Hank Sylvester. Coach Bjerking hopes they will be in condition for this coming Friday. 

Funeral services for C. J. Halquist, 77, were held from the Minnewaska Lutheran Church Jan. 26. He is survived by his wife, Annie; and five children, Esther Person of Minneapolis, Eugene, Melba and George of Starbuck and Hazel Dahlquist of Minneapolis. 


From Jan. 28, 1954

An open house was held in the Fron Church parlors Sunday afternoon for Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Rem and family, who left Tuesday for Humboldt, Iowa where Rev. Rem has accepted a call. 

Richard Doll of Wadena, will arrive Friday to assume his duties as agent  for the Northern Pacific Railway. He is the nephew of P.B. Peterson, former Ford dealer here. 

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hagestuen was baptized Sandra Louise Sunday at Fron Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hagestuen. 

Miss Doris Mavis Suckow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Lesteberg and Arnold Gorder, Jr., son of Mr .and Mrs. Arnold Gorder, Sr. were married at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Benson January 9. The couple will make their home in Starbuck. 

Several friends helped Roger Jackson celebrate his 9th birthday at his home after school Wednesday.  


From Jan. 30, 1964

Paul K. Pladson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pladson of Starbuck has enrolled in the Minnesota School of Business in Minneapolis. He is taking the business administration course, majoring in accounting and business law. He is a 1961 graduate of Starbuck High School. 

A number of guests visited at the Art Raaum home Wednesday evening and helped Sammy celebrate his 4th birthday. 

Nylon contest – 6 big weeks! Nothing to buy – just register. 20,604 pair of Gay Stride nylons given away. Each week 10 names go into a drawing to be held at the close of the contest. Each major prize winner will receive one pair of Gay Stride nylons each month for 12 months. Come in and register! -Heemstas.  


From Jan. 24, 1974

The Pope County Swine Producers Association will “ham it up” on Friday, Jan. 25 when they will serve an appreciation luncheon at the Starbuck Community Room. The serving of the ham sandwich luncheons will begin at 11 a.m. and continue until 3 p.m.

Farmers in ten counties of Minnesota – Big Stone, Douglas, East Polk, Grant, Kandiyohi, Mahnomen, Meeker, Pope, Swift and West Otter Tail who plan to take part in the federal Water Bank Program for waterfowl in 1974 must file an application in early February. The national program is funded at $10 million for a 10-year period. A state allocation of $140,000 for conservation of wetlands will be distributed in the ten counties taking part in the program in Minnesota according to Samuel N. Peterson, State Executive Director of the Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service.

Northern States Power Company announced an electric price increase, to be effective in 339 NPS-served communities in South Dakota and Minnesota beginning with March 19 meter readings. The price adjustment would increase NSP revenues about 15 percent, on an annual basis, said NPS Board Chairman Robert H. Engels. 


From Jan. 25, 1984

Paula Ness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ness and Devin Mix, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mix were crowned Cyrus High School Homecoming Queen and King Monday evening. Other candidates included Nancy Davis, Cindy Meixel, Curt Hyatt and Jay Pieske. Junior attendants were Jill Anderson, Dean Solvie, Jodi Pieske  and Darin Mix. Kindergarten attendants were Jennifer Wente and Dustin Mix. 

A daughter, Colleen Andrea, was born to Julie and Patrick Windler of Richfield Dec. 14. Oscar Smedstad of Starbuck is the great-grandfather. 

The Starbuck Bucks boys basketball team got back in the win column again Friday as they stopped Herman 72-50 Friday night. Top scorers were Craig Pederson with 24 points, Doug Toivonen with 18 and Mike Syverson with 10 points. 

Duane Strommen and Chuck Freeman upped their season records to 7-1 last week as Strommen pinned his opponent Peter Steinhofer of Herman Friday and Chuck pinned Glenwood’s Bill Kellogg during that match last week. 


From Jan. 26, 1994

After 40 years of being in the grocery business in Starbuck, Pederson’s Super Market has sold the family business to Tom Buysse of Tom’s Save-Rite in Glenwood. 

Funeral services for Gladys Larson, 89, of Benson were held January 22 at the East Zion Lutheran Church. She is survived by three sons, Walter of Duluth, Delmont of Benson and Darwin of Golden, CO, and one daughter, Irene Graham of Benson. 

Gary and Peggy Johnsrud are parents of a daughter, JoElle born January 4. 

Minnewaska Lutheran Home resident, Martine Stadsvold, will celebrate her 101st birthday Thursday.  


From Jan. 28, 2004

A long standing dispute between a Villard beef producer and Pope County ended with an agreement between the two parties on Wednesday. During the Pope County Board of Commissioners meeting last week, a Mediated Settlement Agreement was presented to the board by Pope County Attorney Doebbert.  

An estimated 400 people lined up on wood bleachers and metal folding chairs Thursday night to express support, hear comments, and present questions; all in the interest of Dr. Robert Bösl. Many of the folks attending the town meeting were patients of Bösl’s. During the last 22 years, some of them have sat on vinyl covered waiting room chairs and paper covered exam tables to rely on the medical care of Dr. Bösl. 

Minnewaska Area Schools (MAS) officials drew within $4,462 of a balanced budget for 2004-05, but some proposed cuts proved too difficult for the MAS Board of Education. MAS is seeking to reduce its expenses and increase revenue by $693,215. The Minnewaska Area Schools (MAS) budget must be cut because of reductions in state aid and declining enrollment. 


From Jan. 29, 2014

As of January 21, no unauthorized video cameras or audio recording devices will be permitted in county-owned buildings. That was the policy decision made by commissioners at their Jan. 21 board meeting. 

The Starbuck Chamber held its 2014 annual meeting at the Starbuck Community Center on Saturday, January 25. Many people were in attendance. Helen Hoverud and Gary Landmark received volunteer awards for all they do to help out in the community. Scott Formo of the Glenwood Chamber gave an update on the Pope County Expo which will take place on April 5. Joy Peterson gave a heartfelt announcement of the 2014 Heritage Days Grand Marshals Dr. Robert and Vickie Bösl. 

Dion Harste was selected at a special meeting last week of the board of Minnewaska Area Schools to take the place vacated on the board by Bruce Anderson, who resigned effective Dec. 31.