Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on February 12, 2024 at 2:26pm CST
Local baseball team wins game against Sedan team
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, February 14, 1924.
The territory between Glenwood and Willmar will now be well supplied with direct trails as two have been registered the last month. One trail commences at Glenwood and goes to Willmar by the way of Sedan. We have not learned the name of this trail. The other one starts at Alexandria and goes through Glenwood and Terrace and joins the other trail at Sundberg and Norway Lake. This is called the Little Crow trail, after the Indian tribe. These trails, when properly marked, will shorten the distance between Glenwood and Willmar and will greatly add to our tourist travel.
A.E. Kvam returned home Monday after an extended visit in California and throughout the west. He reports a slight difference in climate, but is glad to be back.
Ernest Kaldahl and Orning Quist, who left Glenwood some time ago to take part in the ski tournament at Canton, S.D., and at Minneapolis, returned home Tuesday. “Shrimp” Finden, who wrenched his shoulder in the Minneapolis tournament, is remaining in the Cities for a few days. Both Shrimp and Ernie placed first in their respective classes at Canton and eighth and fourth respectively at Minneapolis. Orning placed third.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, February 14, 1924.
Ex-service men who are not citizens of the United States and who wish to become citizens of the United States and who wish to become citizens under the special Act of Congress of July 19, 1919, should know that this Act of Congress ceases to be effective on March 3, 1924. See Mr. Frank Reed, clerk of court of Pope County at once, otherwise it will take much longer to become citizens.
Dr. H.G. Reineke will arrive this week to set up his practice in Villard.
Hans Schey was an over Sunday visitor in Glenwood with his family. Mr. Schey is at present working on the Veterans hospital which is being built in St. Cloud. Mr. Schey is one of the plasterers on the job. This hospital is to be completed next August. There will be ten buildings in all. The cost of the hospital is about one and on-half million dollars.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, February 15, 1924.
The town basketball team had a game with the team at Sedan with the outcome of 18 to 12 score in favor of the local team. The boys on their return took the wrong road and found themselves in Benson in the early morning hours.
John Weisel of Lowry came Thursday to repair the well at C.J. Gorder’s.